2 years ago
Low quality (shadow) textures
Product: F1 23 Platform:PlayStation 5 Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5 Summarize your bug Some textures are very low resolution. Shadows and reflections are pixelated and fli...
Here another picture with the blurry shaddows/reflections highlighted
Hey there,
Thank you for the new pictures, I have updated the issue again. I will keep you updated as soon as I have more info.
@EA_Groguet wrote:Hey there,
Thank you for the new pictures, I have updated the issue again. I will keep you updated as soon as I have more info.
@EA_Groguet Will it finally be added to the list with Community Raised Issues too??
@EA_Groguet wrote:Hey there,
Thank you for the new pictures, I have updated the issue again. I will keep you updated as soon as I have more info.
Here is another picture. The low quality textures are best visible in overcast weather. It is constantly flickering
Not only the Halo, but also fog in the distance has low texture/pixels. PS5 on patch 1.09
See here: