@AKAimashelha wrote:
Product: F1 23
Please specify your platform model. PC
Summarize your bug everytime i open my radio after aprroximatly half a second it closes without me pressing anything and right after that my mfd opens up which also has an issue but i wont go into that here. what do i do to fix it? thanks
What is your 16 digit Report Code? debppcctpgdtgjxe
What peripherals are you using? Please list the exact make and model. phillips 242v 60hz 144fps
Can you please provide the name of your current internet service provider? hot
Which area is the bug/glitch in? Single Player
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? idfk im not a dev
What happens when the bug occurs? mfd opens after the radio closes
What do you expect to see? the * radio
i just re downloaded f1-23 after a while of not playing,
and i ran into a problem. when running my programs for r&d points, my radio almost instantly closes and mfd opens right after. any soloutions?
Care to list your controllers and maybe post a dxdiag?