Forum Discussion
Product: F1 23
Please specify your platform model. PC
Summarize your bug Cant find the option of car performance in the menu's For multiplayer, Carreer and 2 player carreer
What is your 16 digit Report Code?
Can you please provide the name of your current internet service provider?
Which area is the bug/glitch in? Multiplayer
Did you have cross-play enabled? Yes
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try and go inside a lobby. and or start a 2 player career mode
What happens when the bug occurs? You dont see the option in the menie
What do you expect to see? To fix it for all the people in realistic leagues 🙂
Me and my friend tried to start a 2 player carreer mode on pc. Whe found out our times in a mclaren were way to fast and the grid was way too close. We knew something was wrong. We retired from te session en got back to the lobby when we saw we were at equal perdormance. After we saw this we tried to turn it to realistic but the option was not in the menu's. After this we tried an online lobby but there to we could not see the option and we were forced to drive on equal whitch sucks for us as realistic league drivers.
The glitch is in Multi and single player modes
- 2 years ago@Knuffel_Beesie I did this but I can't save this change. Did you do anything else afterwards?
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