8 months agoSeasoned Ace
Why only 3 helmets?
The helmet designs are bad enough and now we only have 3 to choose from? What on earth is going on here?
Please add more in future patches. Quite simply not good enough and unacceptable!
The lack of helmets, suits and liveries is absolutely disgusting, especially when players are charged £69.99-89.99 for the game.
Not to mention that the ones we have been given look like a 5 year old designed them in MS Paint…
Podium Pass is a waste of time as it just throws tons of F1 World Car things at you in overwhelming amounts, and I have no idea what they all are. I just don’t care about F1 World.
A helmet and livery customiser has been one of the most requested features for about 10 years now, and we never get it. Yet we got an IKEA simulator!!
Why is it, that we got given 1 helmet, suit and Livery when there is a game mode in My Team that’s very purpose is to allow players to create their own individual team. Go online and everyone is racing with the same car livery!
even the ‘store’ is empty with just 3 lacklustre helmets. Yet you can choose from about 50 pairs of shoes for your menu avatar….
EA/Codemasters sort yourselves out!!!
Absolute CHEEK to charge up to £89.99 for this game that was launched in a state, required patches just to drive properly and has had 30% content removed from last year.
I’ve bought every game since F1 2010, and for the first time, I wish I had skipped this year. It’s going to take a massive improvement to convince me to buy F1 25…..
As I’ve said before I think we will be drip fed liveries and helmets through VIP podium pass. Think there’s 2 sets in the current one. X6 podium passes will make that 12. If they keep to to just 2 per season. But i expect they will increase it to 3 or 4 sets per pass.
Least with EA WRC you get a full livery editor.
All about making more money 🤬
For me F1 world is just unrealistic and a waste of resources. I've never gone into it at all on both F123 and F124.
3 helmets is just not good enough, regardless of podium pass!
Please listen to the community and implement a helmet design editor.
@IanM282 Yes, clearly unrealistic on this level.
The livery editor is, for my part, essential for improving personalization.
More realistic helmets for career mode also with a fully customizable helmet from sponsors to visors... 🧐
When we see what the F1 game offers in terms of liveries it's extremely frustrating compared to the work offered on racedepartment.com for example ... 🙄 .
F1 Manager 24 unveiled a new livery customiser and every comment section was filled with “This is what we want from Codemasters”
So instead of listening to the feedback and rising to the challenge, Codemasters went one better and just removed every helmet and livery completely!! 😂 Even if they just kept the ones from last year it would be better than what they’ve given us. You never see NEW designs. It’s the same ones every year and now they’ve been removed so they can be sold back to us!!
Now we have to buy podium pass and grind the game for weeks on end just to unlock the 2 helmets in the podium pass VIP tier, and that’s if you even get a helmet you think looks good.
I’ve used the same helmet and colours for the past few games, and now I can’t use it in F1 24…
Charged £89.99 for less content than F1 23…
I regret buying this game and after 15 years, it might just be my last….
@SDGMattAs I said on another thread. By all the ads I’ve seen from F1 manager.. it’s clear they intentionally were having a dig at EA for not including a editor…
@SDGMatt Yes, this is why EA must face this request which does not date from today.
There has been no progress on this for too long. 😔
@IanM282 I also wanted to say that I discussed this subject of personalization on Twitter following the EA SPORTS F1 Career Mode post. 👍
I also searched other networks like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and the subject comes up all the time in the comments and it's not for nothing.
The post that I created reporting this problem to @EA_Groguet so that it goes back to the developers and for me is very important being also on the games since Formula One 2003 apart from this year. We are on an Official game which offers us customization of a mobile game without disrespect for the developers obviously.
It's time for that to change ! 🧐
@DavidLld33Sounds like you are all over it and well done. It is absolutely unacceptable what they have done this year with the helmet designs.
To have only 3 upon launch and having to grind and pay for them is disgusting.
It's not like the helmets are even any good. But to limit us to just 3 is a joke.
I hope they take this seriously. Also good that this subject now seems to be gathering some momentum.
I would like to see even the older helmet designs reimplemented in a patch.
Simply not good enough!
You’re spot on, why not at least give us the old designs and put new ones in the podium pass each year?
What is the point in having a My Team mode where you get a choice or ONE livery to start your new save with? Isn’t the purpose of the mode to customise your own team?
What was the reasoning behind removing everything?? Where is the value for money here?? It’s so disrespectful to the players who have bought this game. Especially when it’s one of the most expensive games out there.
Brand new Triple A titles launch at a lower price with much more content.
Codemasters, give us more liveries and helmets!!!
@IanM282 Thank you and yes it is necessary to push for changes.
I think it is necessary to listen to us. 💪
The game lives thanks to us the community so I find it normal that this is exposed and said several times until EA decides to do something.
So you always have the story of the FOM or the licenses but for me it's an excuse. 😴
Everything is possible in a video game ! 🤷♂️
And I'm sure the black developers will listen in one way or another as this topic will grow more and more, too many years have passed without any real changes.
@IanM282 As I have already done, I always compare to FC 24.
Imagine 2 minutes launching a career mode by creating a player like in F1 and you choose Real Madrid.
You find yourself with an official team in a career mode but under the pretext of licenses you have a jersey without Official sponsors without numbers and without flocking...
Just a personalized jersey with stripes or flames or I don't know what.
And the other 11 players fully equipped with the official outfit.
That would be totally ugly and unrealistic! Well on F1 we are there unfortunately.
It is indeed at this stage that personalization is found 😔
Hey everyone,
thanks for your feedback! I've passed this on to the team.
@DavidLld33Absolutely agree 👍 Honestly I'd be happy just to have more helmets at this stage. And let us even apply the fake sponsors for the liveries on to the helmets. It would look so much better and no FOM licence issues either.
Even just putting in the ones from previous years would be fine.
At the absolute bare minimum all players should start with 3 options for Livery, Helmet, Gloves and Suit. Rest can then be added to store/passes.
Thanks for passing it on, but that’s all we ever hear…. It would be nice if some of the team can come on here for just 10 minutes and answer some of our questions and explain some of the baffling decisions they’ve made for this game!
For example, why has an £89.99 game with a My Team mode launched with only ONE livery, helmet and suit?
Why has all the previous helmets and customisation been removed?
Why is the ‘store’ empty??
As far as I can see, the ONLY perks of paying an extra £20 for the Champions Edition was:
- Play 3 days early (except that was a terrible launch version with a disgraceful handling model and so many bugs
- Get 3 liveries (for time trial in F1 23 that’s about to be uninstalled)
- 18,000 pitcoin (except there are no helmets and liveries to spend it on….)
What in the name of Trading Standards and poor marketing is going on at Codemasters??
Agreed on that. I'd also love to hear their explanation for this extremely poor decision regarding a complete lack of content.
It is absolutely unacceptable in every way!
@IanM282It why they don’t come here. It’s not down to them. It’s those who tell them what to do. Those who only care about share prices and shareholders.
Us - CM - Team - Management - boardroom - bin.
I can say that now I no longer have a badge 😂
@Hempyjr Yes the same for me I had pre-ordered the champion edition but I got a refund before the release.
A first for me since Formula One 2003 but it's just not possible.
I just saw the post from EA SPORT F1 which shows the game's ratings in the media,
I don't know where its numbers come from 🧐
I’ve bought every single game since F1 2010 on launch day. (Actually, I even bought F1 2009 on the Wii) And I play them all year round league racing right up until the new game is launched.
I can say with absolute certainty than I won’t buy F1 25 unless I see an enormous improvement.
F1 2014 and 2015 were disappointing, but F1 24 takes the cake!! I regret buying it!!
Half the drivers in my league have skipped it this year after playing the EA Play preview. Reviews are terrible.
It’s not even a copy and paste from F1 23
It’s a copy, remove massive chunks of F1 23 and paste…. But charge the same price!
@SDGMatt Yes, you summed up the situation well and I'm in the same situation as you, players for a very long time too, so obviously the frustration is great.
As I already had for my part, my goal is not to disrespect the developers nor EA or Codemaster but to make them react given that the community cannot have any direct contact with them.
That's why I attacked the subject of personalization because firstly it's been around for too many years and then because we have to vulgarly shout so that the message gets through. It's unfortunate to have come to this.
My F1 hurts 😔
Goat is still F1 championship edition 2006 I think. Sadly before codemasters
@ScarDuck14 Ah yes F1 2006 I spent hours on it.
You make the starting grid yourself IDE or SATO first and ALONSO AND SCHUMACHER last LOL 😅