F1 24 Silent Crashing Work around didn't work
I bought F1 24 for full price and from the very start it would silent crash. No matter what I did nothing has stopped it. I've repaired, uninstalled, restarted, deleted save files, and did the control gaurdian flow "work around". Yet everytime I try to play it silent crashes without fail within the same time frames. This has been the most frustrating experience I have ever had trying to play a single game for more than 10 minutes. I truly do believe the game has a lot of potential, and on those rare days where I was able to complete a single race it was fun. However, the amount of issues and difficulties I have encountered is unnacceptable especially from a billion dollar company. I want a refund, but I have been trying to fix this problem from when I bought it which was about a week after the games launch, so I don't know if I am able to be eligible. That topic in itself is also ridiculous. This issue from to begin with is I load up the game and try to go to my driver career and then after a lap or two it silent crashes. Next when I start the game up again I can play for up to 10 more minutes before it does the same thing. I have given up at this point if any dev sees this please help me. All I want to do is play your game I payed full price for.