On the topic of FFB fading on T300 (and thrustmaster wheels in general).
I have TX servo base with SF1000 wheel and I have the game on Series X and PC - Steam. Even though the defaults are the same in game for both platforms, the force feedback is way different, being much much stronger on Series X on those default settings.
My guess the difference is mainly with the thrustmaster driver defaults, which on PC, have 75% on the overall forces (with boost mode OFF). I don't know how those defaults are on Series X, no way to see or adjust it, but maybe it's 100% (and could the boost mode be ON as well, which seems to double the FFB and for sure will increase the overheating problem)?
Anyway, those aren't comparable at all. When playing with Series X on defaults, my base wheel start loosing FFB after a while, guaranteed. I can't do single session practice + short qualify + 50% race without it happening around half way of the race the latest.
When using the default settings on PC (both game+thrustmaster control panel), I haven't run into this problem, but like I said, it's much lighter FFB with those defaults. I can lower FFB in the game to 40 in Series X and it still feels stronger than the defaults on PC.
And yes, I do have the fan ON all the time.
Anyway, for console users with T300/TX, I would lover the FFB in game to something like 40 (and maybe play around with the on track effects as well) and see whether that is enough to prevent the overheating problem and loosing FFB as result (and make sure the fan is set ON as well, you can find the instructions from Thrustmaster website (https://ts.thrustmaster.com/faqs/eng/thr_eng_00146.pdf)