@DavidG53 looking forward to the proper Q&A! It would be neat if we could get it scheduled so we can think on the topics in advance. From the top of my head and based on the discussion here:
1. Suspension. Can we see suspension movement (pitch and roll) on heavy braking zones or high speed corners? Or differences in ride height depending on the setup?
2. Suspension. Will the teams have noticeable handling characteristics other than power and drag?
3. Tyre model. Will the aforementioned tyre induced drag make camber and specially toe more important to set up right? Will that help curb these ludicrous extreme setups we see of “right right left left”?
4. Tyre model. On a sidenote, does the game model the inside and outside temperatures of the tyre surface? Would be nice to have something other than grip feeling and circumstantial readings of tyre temps as parameters for adjusting camber.
5. Aero. Will front wing and rear wing have different lift-to-drag ratios?
6. Setups. Will the suspension values be absolute as well or are they track specific like a 1-10 for springs in Monza being different than a 1-10 in Monaco?
7. Setups. Will preset setups be track specific? As in the default Maximum Top Speed for Monza having different values than the default Max. Top Speed for Monaco?
8. Setups. Does the new handling favor different brake bias settings just like F1 2021 used to early on its life cycle?