Strangely enough I have not encountered any of these bugs in my time playing on the XB-SX. Last year though as some of you may recall I was outraged about the state of the release, mainly because I couldn't play the game for more than 5 minutes without it turning off my console until they finally fixed it via patch 2 months later. The only thing I've experienced was trying to get into online races and always getting an error. Now that was prior to the actual release date due to the early access period so I assumed that was the cause but I see there are some bug issues around that currently but that doesn't affect me really since I don't play online.
I'm not saying they aren't present; I know the track record of this series all too well as I've been playing since the early days of the series but I just haven't experienced any of them really. Nothing has happened to me in my week of playing that's made me go "Ugh.. what a mess this is!" No crashes, no messed up finishing orders etc.
I have noticed a few times where there's just no audio; particularly before and/or after a race finishes. Crofty throws it over to Anthony or Natalie and well... it's just crickets. That's about it for me though. Maybe I've just been lucky so far.
Sadly though the key issues are still persistent:
- unbalanced AI track to track
- unbalanced AI between Qualy and Race
- unbalanced AI in wet weather
- unbalanced AI in terms of traction compared to player
- poor driver transfer system in career
- lack of game save slots for career / GP mode.