Forum Discussion
Same Issue here. Absolutely disgusting. Spend now 2 hours of my trial to try to fix this. No help, nothing.
Hey everyone,
if support tells you, that the account is deactivated, you need to reset your password for the email that was last assigned to your EA Account, that is the only way to gain access back to your account.
We cannot unlink your PSN account if you are not verified as the owner of the account.
If you have further questions, please let me know.
- 3 years ago
I spent 4 hours last night recovering a 10+ year old Hotmail account just to reactivate an old PSN and old EA account. Turns out, neither accounts have any linked EA to PSN data. So EA led me on a wild goose chase to get my game running.
I have zero issues with F1 21, just 2022. I reactivated the account EA told me was tied to my PSN, nothing is there. Now there is no solution except to get a refund on my PSN, make a new PSN, and purchase the game again and link to a new EA account.
- 3 years ago
Hi mate, I have the same issue, can you let me know how or if you get a refund?
- 3 years ago@EA_rephii Hi Rephii,
my linked account is my PSN account. The support cannot do anything. Just telling me to have a look at EAHelp on Twitter. A major point why a lot of people left F1 2021 were the problems with multiplayer. Now we want to check it out and we can't.
My mail is active and in use. So it is just a problem EA got with this years game. Had no issues with F1 2021. Not sure what to do more. - 3 years ago
Can't log in to ea account on Xbox, but can do through browser.
What is going on?
- 3 years ago
Probably your account is banned/suspended like mine was... I have no idea why it was suspended. You have to make a case via and they will release your account. But it will take days - at least in my case it took days.
You can check here, if you are banned or not:
I was so angry, because I found my account suspended, when I was about to start F1 22 early access. So I totally missed those three days.
- 3 years ago
Well... Same here. Can't log in, so all online content is useless and i'm going to uninstall the game. Enough is ENOUGH. It's third day looking for solution, resetted password counltess times, nothing works. I just can't link my PSN account to EA and ... I give up.
Funny thing is, that F1 21 connects to EA server without ANY problems! 🙂 Same PSN account, same console (PS5), same settings... Just F1 21 connects, and F1 22 wont.
Amazing job, EA, just AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I give up. And I write that ~70£ to "school-money" - not the cheapest lesson, but hey - maybe I learned my lesson at last - never touch EA games, NEVER!
Another funny thing is, that couse I purchased F1 22 from PlayStation Store, theres no way to get refund. 🙂 GREAT, just GREAT!
EA, buy something nice for that 70£... Congrats!
Heh, I earned "SKIMMER badge"! Nice! So looks like my £70 is not totally "lost"... 🙂 Thanks for badge! Looks beautiful! I'm gonna print it out and frame it and put it on my wall! My most expensive badge ever!
- 3 years ago
Bro, I’ve reset my password like 25 times since the 28th, still will not work. F1 2021 had no issues and operated normally. It’s not us, it’s your software problems.
- 3 years ago
All, if you ever created an Origin or EA account in the past and somehow linked it with PS or Xbox but have since used another account, you have to figure out what account/email that was. Somewhere in the many buyouts and mergers and changes or policies, EA has created this totally non-streamlined process that is now looking back at that old account you made. WE made. I'm in the same boat. I think I know what the old email I used must have been but I've ZERO way to access it. No matter how hard I try, I cannot get into this old email to reset the password on it. If you can, you can then go into your old EA/Orgin account and "unlink" that old email from PS or Xbox. THEN, you can link your current account (I think you can link your current account). Pretty bad that EA lets you reset the password on the current account that we're using without ever telling us that 1) the account we're resetting is not the account in question and 2) does not tell us which account is the problem. Or that we can't simply change accounts. If there were a login screen somewhere in F1 22 to manually choose WHICH EA account to use, all OUR problems would be solved. EA. EA makes me want to tear my hair out. I'm currently 24 in line on an online chat (started at 74) to ask if they can remove or delete my old account. I'll update when I find out.
And it's so weird this hasn't happened with any other game, like F1 2021
Update: so, because I can't access my old email, I'm SOL. Literally. The person I was chatting with just kept telling me there was nothing they could do, could not refer me anywhere else or offer anymore recommendation other than I needed access to my old email. Which is AOL and I cannot reset the PW online. They give a number to call, which I did and turns out you have to pay to talk to AOL on the phone. Yeah, I'd have to give them my CC info to get help LOL. So... I think I'm out of luck. I've never tried to return a digital game. Hopefully I can.
Portion on the transcript below. I couldn't get clarification on what "the EA account you gave us was deleted by your request" meant. I had asked that it be unlink or deleted but I don't know if they did that while I was chatting with them or what.
EA (7/3/2022, 3:21:10 PM): As we checked the EA account you gave us was deleted by your request. As the EA account has been deleted only way to get it restore is to reset password by same email.
EA (7/3/2022, 3:21:15 PM): As account was deleted so we can restore via the linked EA account email only.
EA (7/3/2022, 3:21:19 PM): As account was deleted so we can restore via the linked EA account email only.
EA (7/3/2022, 3:21:27 PM): You can check more info on : under heading RESTORING DELETED ACCOUNTS
EA (7/3/2022, 3:22:24 PM): Your cooperation is needed and I must say thanks for your cooperation and understanding.
EA (7/3/2022, 3:22:28 PM): Thanks for being cooperative, is there anything else I may help you with?
(7/3/2022, 3:23:12 PM): I'm not certain I understand. The AOL account was deleted? Does that mean I can now link my current account?
EA (7/3/2022, 3:25:33 PM): I am afraid to tell any linked platform account can not be unlinked if account gets deleted without unlinking persona.
So here to get it done first we need to regain access of it the deleted EA Account which is only possible if email is accessible again.
EA (7/3/2022, 3:27:33 PM): I would request you to please get in touch with email service provider support and get the email restored.
(7/3/2022, 3:27:36 PM): Okay. If I am never able to access that old deleted account, does that basically mean I'll never be able to use EA on my current PSN account?
EA (7/3/2022, 3:27:54 PM): Sadly as of now this is the only way.
(7/3/2022, 3:29:14 PM): I understand EA rep. Is there a way to escalate this? Someplace else or someone else at EA who may be able to help?
I've contacted AOL, tried to and they can't help, they no longer manage those old emails.
(7/3/2022, 3:29:45 PM): The email basically doesn't exist anymore.
EA (7/3/2022, 3:30:00 PM): I really want to see you in the game however as account is deleted there is no way.
EA (7/3/2022, 3:30:12 PM): Thanks for the cooperation and understanding!
EA (7/3/2022, 3:30:19 PM): Thanks for being cooperative, is there anything else I may help you with?- 3 years ago
@crooke356Funny thing is, that... the same account, same PSN ID, same console, same settings - all works perfectly in F1 21...
This is ABSURD! ... 🙂
If something wrong with my EA account, then how is it possible, that I can connect F1 21 wiht EA account?!?heh, I feel like I'm pirate, who plays F1 21 "illegally".... 🙂
- 3 years ago
This is BS and I want my money back.
- 3 years ago
i have the same problem i got it in the steam store 2 weeks ago and it cant login i got everything installed and needforspeed heat is just working with everything but f1 22 isnt going online fix this bs everybody got the same problem and if you ask for help on the ea help desk you get one awnser and then nothing anymore.
- 3 years ago
Same problem here. I got it on steam and I can't login cause it never asked me and just prompt the EA Account Required on an infinite loop...
- 2 years ago
Do you see the e-mail address in the image, my friend? This doesn't belong to me. The system has given this e-mail and I guess my account has been deactivated. How can I remember the login methods for this account?
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