@Pierrerino86My apologies for the photo not being in English, but you have to open SteamVR through the Quest 2, it will load up your SteamVR Home, then click the 3 Bar Settings Button on the left hand controller, then click the cog at the bottom right, Select Menu on the far left, then the very last option is how to disable SteamVR Home. Finally, restart SteamVR.
You will still have SteamVR open on your Quest 2. Click the 3 Bar Settings button on the right controller, select the monitor that the game is easily accessible to, then open the game through the headset and select start in VR mode.
I’ve read this does not fix a jittery problem. I didn’t have frame rate issues. I had crashing issues.
I believe it’s crashing because SteamVR or the game is not processing properly through the PC, which heats up the Quest 2, and makes the game crash.
I felt the Quest 2 before I did this and it was hot. I felt the Quest 2 after, and it was warm.
I hope they fix it.