First my rig
i7 10700k
16gig RGB vengence 3200 DDR4
Aorus 3070ti
Oculur Rift S
NVMe 1tb gen4 1tb SSD for games only.
Windows 10 pro
Nvidia 516.59 driver version
Game runs smooth in VR, even with everything maxed, yet it crashes to desktop after 15 to 20 minutes of play.
I ran the game without issues in 3840x2160 maxed out in none VR mode for over 3 hours
I then tried VR again, turning all settings to low in VR and ran the game without issues for around 1 hour, i then upped the graphics to VR medium, and experienced a CTD again after around 15/20 minutes, there seems to be a setting somewhere in the graphics tab that effects the VR.
For those who have issues with stuttering, losing tracking, frame dropping when turning your head, you need to make sure if you're using a USB, it NEEDs to be plugged into a USB 3.1 or on its own dedicated PCI USB card running 3.1 USB ports (blue) The through put can suffer if you plug your head unit into anything slower. also make sure you do not have many USB ports being used. this helped me a lot on another game, and has been awesome with every other game since.