Agreed, thanks for the info but certainly in the case of Oculus 2 you can't do anything BUT that, the Oculus application warns you in massive red text that you're not going to be able to use VR unless you use USB 3.1, in fact it forces you to do a test to confirm you are connected to the correct port...
I'm sure there's a resolution out there, it could be something as simple as specific hardware, I'm using AMD Ryzen 5600x with Nvidia 3060ti for reference, I've tried reducing EVERYTHING to the absolute minimum settings and while this does help to mitigate the issue a bit, the jittering is still clearly there when you move your head, just reduced. The thing that strikes me with everybody pointing out reducing detail levels is that almost all of us with the issue report good FPS, running on high detail settings even with my medium spec rig presents 72FPS (when that's my selected option) at high settings in VR, granted the 'jitter' (love the word use here, maybe we should have called it porpoising!) does get worse!
Crashing for me does happen but I'm putting that down to my constant tweaking of Oculus/F1 2022 setting changes, dropping in and out, restarting the oculus application, restarting Steam etc but until I can actually get it playable in VR on any setting I can't comment on crashing.