Maybe a dumb/rookie question.
But can/does telemetry settings have any impact on gameplay performance in online racing?
basically wondering if telemetry settings can help or hurt how smooth online gameplay runs.
For example, would udp send rate 60 Hz risk a loss off performance by demanding more of the bandwidth with more frequent updates. Or would it be the other way round, 20 Hz would demand more because of more info being bunched up in less frequent updates.
Also, does UDP telemetry on/off have any relationship to how FFB is comunicated/sent to my wheelbase? (fanatec csl elite + lc setup)
If I don’t use any external telemetry app or don’t need data sent to any other machine, would telemetry on/off make any difference in online gameplay stability? Kinda wondered if it can impact how I recieve info from opponents on screen and/or how info on my position is sent?
And does broadcast mode On mean a heavier workload for my router recieving and sending packets vs. Off sending it all through an open port?
I suspect I might be making a problem out of things completly unrelated or simply missunderstood. But as I was trying learn how telemetry settings work and what they do, my logic got knocked out, for everytime I thought I understood something, the next thing always seemed to contradict and make me doubt what I previously thought was understood.
Tldr: If I don’t need to send telemtry data to any external app or machine, is there any telemtry settings that can improve online performance/smoothness?