2 years ago
Incumplimiento acuerdos f1 23
Jugadores que no respetan las normas PhotoRacerTV, polman , Sevi87 Javift14 DubstepZz Aarava Marcel Kiefer Rotren y mas gente esta subiendo contenido que nl se debe de subir al Youtube haber si es p...
Hi @Arecio21,
Thanks for creating this thread but unfortunately it wasn't shared in the language of the board as asked in the forum rules.
@AHQ wrote:
User Rules & Guidelines
- Post in the right place. Check the section you're posting in before submitting. If a post is in the wrong place we might move or remove it...
- Post in the language of the forum. Answers HQ is available in English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, Português, Pусский.
We ask all members to use the supported language of the board so everyone can understand and be a part of the discussion. Please ensure your posts and threads are shared in the language of the board you're posting on. The board you shared this thread on is supported in English. If you would like to continue posting in Spanish please head to AHQ's Spanish-speaking Boards.
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Thank you,