@EA_Leeuw This is a copy and paste from a post I made over on the Codemasters forums when the game was annouced. I am hoping you can help to clarify these things for the VR users, as there is a lot of confusion currently about just what is and isnt supported.
I am seeing a lot of people wonder just what VR headsets will actually work with the game. Especially on the Steam Forums. As HTC Vive is clearly stated, that is SteamVR as a platform yes?
HTCVive was created to fuction directly through SteamVR natively. Would you be able to look into having these things clarified, as the confusion isnt good.
Things that need clarifying.
Is the Oculus API included in the EA Origin version of the game and the Steam version of the game
Is the SteamVR API included in the EA Origin version of the game
If SteamVR is supported, will any headset that works through SteamVR work with the game (which is usually the case for titles that offer VR intergration via SteamVR)
The VR landscape is vastly bigger than just 2 headsets, and Oculus and HTC havnt been the only 2 players on the hardware scene for a very long time now.
You have Valve Index (native SteamVR HDM by steam), Samsung Odyssey, HP Reverb/G2, Pimax (and more). All of which can be used via SteamVR. So this issue really needs some public clarification.
The way things usually work is that anything that can run through SteamVR, either natively or via platform linking. Will work with any steamVR title. This includes Windows Mixed Reality headsets such as the HP ReverbG2 and Samsung odyssey headsets.
Its actually very important to know what VR functionality is like on each PC store, this also includes "EPIC"; which I only just noticed is selling F1 22 this year. It is super important to know what platforms offer which VR API's. I can not stress enough how important it is that both OculusAPI and SteamVR are supported. Just like in Dirt Rally 2.0. Preferably with a start up option to run the game on a montior, Oculus, or SteamVR. Again, just like Dirt Rally 2.0. This is regardless of which PC store the game is purchased through.
Oculus Headsets do not always work well when running on a VR platform outside of their own API, so you will push out a large portion of the VR playerbase instantly if the Oculus API is not supported independantly.
And if SteamVR isnt directly supported also, you will push out the rest of the VR playerbase on SteamVR and WMR.