Forum Discussion

wojtekd9393's avatar
3 months ago

Around the World rewards not available

I can't claim rewards for Around the World objectives. I completed all of them but rewards are not available. Xbox Series S
  • EA_Pulsar's avatar
    3 months ago

    Marked as Solution for Visibility Purposes Only - We do not consider this to be fixed at this time. 

    We've passed on all the information to the game teams, so we will investigate and make sure that these objectives are working correctly for everyone. We'll let you know once we receive any updates. 

    Please note that you only need to complete any 3 out of the 4 objectives to finish the group. Once you complete any 3 objectives, the 4th will no longer track progress or provide additional rewards. Essentially, one objective will always remain incomplete.

    Try also to claim your reward via the companion app for now. 

    If you are unable to redeem the Group Reward, please share the following details that will help our team locate your profiles and your progress. 

    • Gamertag
    • Platform
    • Objective causing the issue
    • We need the exact Timestamp (Time, Date,Timezone) when you claimed the objective and failed.

    Thank you for your support!