Marked as Solution for Visibility Purposes Only
Hello everyone,
Thank you so much for bringing this issue to our attention. This was shared with the team already, and we will look into this for you. Additionally, I’ll highlight some of the workarounds mentioned in this thread below.
Thanks again for your support!
Best regards,
Please try to play Co-Op Rivals game using a squad without imported tactics, and see if the issue persists.
I have already written the solution here, but it seems most people come here to complain instead of actually reading the Messages in this thread.
Neither you or your teammate can have more than one tactic on your team when playing. If you or your Coop partner have more than one tactic on your team tactics, it will disconnect. Easy as that.
Copy your squad
Delete the old squad
Delete any custom tactics (recreate them after saving if needed)
Should work. Seems to be a tactic bug.
Possible workaround:
Restart the game after the end of every single rivals game.
I'm PC, friend is PS5. I'm hosting lobby and every game I restart my game. Haven't had a disconnect since doing this, 9 or 10 games.
Let me know if this works for anyone else!
I was having the same problem with my friend, we tried to change connection, switched off crossplay, cleared PS5 cache, nothing worked.
Then we downloaded the last Teams Updates and we didn't get disconnected anymore.
Go to Customize -> Edit Teams -> Download Updates
Hope it can fix the problem to all
iiTaL3nTz wrote:
I switched off crossplay and it worked
Feel free to check other troubleshooting steps from our tech guide.