Forum Discussion
Thank you for reporting this potential bug to us. For now, please restart your device and delete any corrupt files.
If the issue will happen again, please provide us with the following:
- Gamertag/PSN ID/Username:
- Platform:
- Summary of Issue:
- Game mode:
- Recent Timestamp (Date, Time, Timezone):
- Video or screenshot of the issue:
I will ensure to pass this on to the game team, but could you share all the information I mentioned above to help us determine the cause of the issue?
- 5 months ago
Been stuck on a forever loop with the opposing AI in Squad Battles. It's doing a throw-in animation with the ball it's supposed to be throwing laying directly next to the player outside the field.
Right before the AI was going to take the throw-in it tripped and dropped the ball and missed picking it back up.
With this entire format change with all these matches mattering way more in Squad Battles and in champs it's unbelievable that the fix I would possibly be told for this is to leave the match and take the loss. This isn't why I spent $70+ on the game.
- 5 months ago
I'm refusing to leave the game until I get some compensation for this match.
- 4 months ago
Product: EA SPORTS FC 25
Platform: PS5
Username: JesperWer
Please specify your platform model. PS5
Which mode has this happened in? Ultimate Team
Which part of the mode? Squal Battles
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 3/11/2024
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 3:54PM
What is your time zone? UTC/GMT +2 hours
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Not sure
What happens when the bug occurs? the game timer becomes real seconds as the ball is out and the player is locked to the throw in taker who is in a loop of the throw in animation but without the ball
What should be happening instead? the ball should be in his/her hands letting the throw in be thrownI encountered this bug in Squad Battles, and I decided to wait it out, but it didn’t end. It went on for over 200 minutes, and eventually, my PS went into sleep mode.
I'm attaching a video and a screenshot to this message.
The issue started at the 70th minute of the match. - 4 months ago
It happened to me as well, please assist in the EA help, it's squad battle, winning 4:0, but at 83min got throw in bug, then waited for 15min real time and stick stuck in same animation, and counted as loss.
- 3 months ago
Happened to me in squad battles last month and just again in seasons versus another player.
And yesterday I lost a draft token due to a glitch in the offline modes man city team containing no goalkeeper and I won and it crashed at the end and gave me a loss
Time to delete the game forever unplayable
- 3 months ago
Had the exact same bug, EA are a joke. So many game breaking bugs this year and 0 fixes.
- 3 months ago
Hi this is also happening to us in pro clubs as we speak we've been sitting from 40 mins and it's not minute 58 and the first half hasn't even ended yet, they are doing it because they are losing 3-0 in playoff game. I've attached footage of it happening in game and the name of the club.
- 2 months ago
The issue is still a thing in Jan 2025. My opponent went to throw the ball and the game just glitched and become stuck in a throwing animation.
- 2 months ago@JR-Ghost99 It just happened to me as well. Multi Billion Dollar company, but cannot fix major bugs months after release...
- Sunde4022 months agoSeasoned Newcomer@EA_Pulsar Same here. 2 times in 5 matches. Both on wins. Now record is ruined for this week. Have video. Compensation ffs
- 2 months ago
EA I would like compensation as this could be the difference between 2 reward tiers. I can provide footage if you need. It is still not fixed like a lot of the game.
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