Forum Discussion

BlueWhiteDynamit's avatar
6 months ago

Real Manager's Hair Switches to a Different Style After Loading the Career

Product: EA SPORTS FC 25
Platform:PlayStation 5
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5
What is your Gamertag/PSN ID/Switch ID? JackeL9628
Which mode has this happened in? Career Mode
Which part of the mode? Manager Career
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Probably by playing career mode
What happens when the bug occurs? I've started two different career mode with real life manager Stefan Billborn in IFK Göteborg and played for a while. When I save the game and goes out of career mode and later comes back he gets a new hairstyle or hat. When I play a game the hat or hairstyle get locked on and doesn't change. If I don't play a game the hairstyles changes for every time I go in to career mode
What should be happening instead? He should be having the same haircut all the time

 I've started two different career mode with real life manager Stefan Billborn in IFK Göteborg and played for a while. When I save the game and goes out of career mode and later comes back he gets a new hairstyle or hat. When I play a game the hat or hairstyle get locked on and doesn't change. If I don't play a game the hairstyles changes for every time I go in to career mode

49 Replies

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  • 3 months 

    2 updates out already

    and still the issue is persistent,

    does EA have a resolution on when to resolve this, it’s ridiculous!? 

    I know that EA developers r aware of the issue, I am interested in what they r doing with this awareness, cuz people who spend money to buy ur flawless work r unhappy with ur product!

    Not all of us play that ridiculous ultimate team content. 

  • I owned all FIFA games in the past few years 22, 23, 24 and 25. I don’t think I am getting what I want with 25 release, developers attention seems to be fixed elsewhere, I am definitely skipping the next one. 
    right now this is the most complete football game yet, few years later u never know a competitor will rise for sure. Before fifa 22, I was playing PES 20,  21 also had its issues but I preferred it to fifa. I’d love to play PES again but they completely abandoned the career mode now, shame! 

  • The new title update has been announced and it’s not in the patch notes so it won’t be fixed. Can you at least give us an eta of when it will be fixed?

  • moshammad's avatar
    2 months ago

    I now believe it’s some kind of troll or joke, so many updates r out none of them address the elephant in the room, might be seen as trivial issue for developers but for some of us it’s v important, I literally can’t play the game in that state, and 100% I am not buying the next instalment, as I am not getting my money worth out of this years version, this isn’t worth the $150 I paid to preorder the ultimate copy. 

  • Bonell's avatar
    2 months ago

    I own every single fifa/eafc starting with fifa 2015 and I must admit the eafc25 is the worst and the most expensive game from the series ever.

    I really think this is my Sign to stop from being a fifa/eafc customer. 

  • I am trying efootball atm, fun game and free. I stopped playing FC25 it’s broken and is not fun to play. 

  • Me too, I tried in 4 different career modes and when I see it, the manager's hair always changes to absurd cuts, it's so frustrating

  • EA_Pulsar's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    31 days ago

    Hi everyone,
    Since this is our archived section and new comments can't be posted here, I've created a new thread on our FC 25 Bug Reports board HERE. If you experience any issues, you can continue the discussion and share more details there.