@Johncenafan2267 Unfortunately this isn't even the first time they target this demographic of the game and jack us around after we spent our money. They introduced Online Team Play on Madden 11 (2010 season) and the first time you could play with friends online against others and it was BANGIN'.
Halfway through the year they trotted out Ultimate Team for the first time and before the end of the year they realized how they can monetize it. It was obvious it became a focus for EA considering how much they peddled it the next game.
Online Team Play then got a rebranding into "Communities" but at least it was still in the game for Madden 12, 13, and 25 (the 2013 version) so we at least got 4 years of online co-op before they jerked the rug out from under us in attempts to try and funnel more players into MUT so they could steal even more of their money through microtransactions.
It became obvious that was their intentions because in the lead up to Madden 15 there was absolutely NOTHING mentioned by EA that the mode wasn't included and there wouldn't be any online co-op; A LOT of people didn't find out about it until buying Madden 15 and searching through the menus fruitlessly for a co-op game mode.
Now we're back at that point after 3 years (or should I say 2.1 years) of EA introducing SSKO only to pull this trash barely a month after the game came out.
No, EA, we're not going to magically migrate to MUT Squads because WE HATE ULTIMATE TEAM AND THE BUMS THAT HAVE TO BUY THEIR PLAYERS.