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आप इन-ऐप चैट सहायता (0969*3118*865) के माध्यम से हमसे संपर्क करके धनवापसी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके - https://kukufm/chat (सुनिश्चित करें कि आप एक अद्यतन ऐप संस्करण का उपयोग कर रहे हैं)।.Solveddgdg57536312 days agoSeasoned Rookie43Views1like2CommentsMake your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!
Hey Gamers, We want to hear directly from our player base to ensure that we are providing the highest quality experience. Therefore, we are offering an exciting opportunity for you to share ideas and feedback directly with the creators of your favorite games and services. We are pleased to invite you to join the EA Player Pulse, an exclusive space where select players like you can provide feedback to help us improve the EA experience! We are looking for players that enjoy any title to join. Currently, we are focusing on players living in the United Sates, but soon we will be supporting all countries. This community is a place where you can make your voice heard and connect with other players to enhance your experience with our products. As you help us improve through your feedback, you can earn rewards! To start your exclusive EA Player Pulse journey, please click the link below, use your EA login to start. You’ll complete a brief survey on the platform of our partner, Fuel Cycle. The survey will determine if you qualify to be a member. We can’t wait to have you join us! days agoCommunity Manager1.2KViews15likes2CommentsWelcome to the Madden NFL 24 forums!
Hey Madden NFL fans! Welcome to the Madden NFL 24 community. Looking for a place where you can talk Madden NFL 24 with other fans? You're in the right spot! Chat with others about MUT, Franchise, Superstar, and your other favorite game modes. This is a community where players help players! These forums are managed by the EA Forum Community team. We will work closely with the Madden team by sharing your feedback, concerns, and bug reports. We look forward to seeing your discussions and feedback. We also want to thank you in advance for reporting any issues you experience in game. We'll pass them along to the team on your behalf. Forum Categories General Discussion Technical Issues & Bugs Official Madden Communities: Madden NFL on Twitch EAMaddenNFL EASPORTS_MUT MaddenNFLDirect EAMaddenMobile MaddenLeagueOps Facebook Instagram YouTube Forum Rules & Guidelines Just like the NFL, situations may come up where we'll need to blow the whistle. Turnovers don't win games. They also don't lead to great forum experiences. We've got the playbook for you below: EA Forums Rules & Guidelines We're all on the same team trying to make this game better. Football is a competitive sport and sometimes things can get a little heated on the field. All we ask is to keep your cool and let us know what exactly is going on in game. We'll flag it down to the team. The Forum Community team is here to champion for you. Speaking of Champions.... We have our Answers HQ Heroes and Heroes+ who are leaders on and off the field. They are not official EA employees but dedicated fans of the community looking to help out players here on the forums. Heroes & Heroes+: @NatureBoy2323 @Neo_Novalis @satfreaktom264 EA Community Team: @EA_Barry @EA_Shepard @EA_Kent Our EA Forum Team also helps manage other EA games on these forums. There are times we might not have the speed of Tyreek Hill and get to your post right away. We ask you not to tag us in a post right away unless it's an issue that has the chains quickly moving (example: multiple players are suddenly reporting they can't log into the game). In many cases someone might have already answered your question, so use that search bar at the top of the forums! HELP ME! Technical Troubleshooting Connection Troubleshooting Advanced Connection Troubleshooting Account Help Unable to access account or login Pre-order Information Twitch & Prime Gaming If the clock is running out and you need immediate assistance with your account please contact our Support team below: How to contact EA Help Suspended or Banned? Thank you for playing Madden NFL 24 with us this season!EA_Kent16 days agoCommunity Manager3.3KViews0likes0CommentsNot happy With Madden 24
To: EEA Sports Customer Support Subject: Feedback and Concerns Regarding Madden 24 Gameplay - Passing Interference Issues Dear EEA Sports Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to express my dissatisfaction with the gameplay in Madden 24, specifically concerning the treatment of passing interference. As an avid player and long-time fan of the Madden series, I've noticed a recurring issue that significantly impacts the enjoyment and fairness of the game. In Madden 24, there seems to be an excessive amount of uncalled passing interferences during matches. These non-calls are not only frustrating but also detract from the realism that the series is renowned for. The frequency of these overlooked penalties disrupts the flow of the game, often giving an unfair advantage to one side, which undermines the competitive balance and strategic depth of the gameplay. Furthermore, I am disappointed by the lack of an option to challenge these no-calls. In real-life football, coaches have the ability to challenge controversial plays, including potential passing interferences. The absence of a coach challenge feature for these situations in Madden 24 is a significant oversight. It removes a crucial layer of tactical decision-making from players, diminishing the game's authenticity and the player's control over critical moments. The combination of frequent uncalled passing interferences and the inability to challenge such calls is detracting from the overall gaming experience. It feels as though the game is missing an essential element of football, which is the ability to address and rectify potential officiating errors. I kindly urge the development team to consider these points and explore possible solutions. Whether it be through a game update or a patch, addressing the issue of uncalled passing interferences and introducing a feature for coach challenges would greatly enhance the gameplay, ensuring it aligns with the high standards expected from the Madden franchise. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am looking forward to seeing improvements in the game and continuing to enjoy the Madden series. Best regards, Robert L.Robinson545Views0likes3CommentsMadden 24 Passing Is NOT Fun
Let me preface this by saying that I play simulation style. So I'm looking to use the stock playbook and I don't construct unbeatable route concepts. I see people say things like "put your running back(s) on a streak," and that's just the antithesis of how I think sports sim should be played. My expectation is that I should be able to use the stock playbooks with minimal adjustments here and there (as would make sense) and still have a playable game. I think we all accept that inaccurate passing exists in the NFL. It makes sense for low-percentage plays to be low-percentage plays. It does NOT make sense for high percentage plays to be low percentage plays. Madden 24 punishes your accuracy far too frequently, and in the wrong ways. If a QB has a clean pocket, he should be able to deliver an accurate pass generally in some scenarios, and not generally in others. Madden treats these all as the same, and applies highly punitive accuracy penalties when there shouldn't be any. For example, if my WR runs a 5 yard out, and he is open, and I have a clean pocket, this should be an accurate throw the vast majority of the time. These throws are often inaccurate. Without using the joystick to attempt any kind of precision, I would expect an accurate throw, coming from a clean pocket. This is not the case. High percentage plays should be accurate. An example of such a play would be the I-Form Close Double Outs play. On the next step, it does feel like the further down the field you go, the less accurate passing becomes, which in general sounds fine, but it isn't entirely correct. For example, consider the play I-Form Close PA Deep Read. It's in quite a few playbooks. These WRs actually physically stop and if you throw at their break it is timed nicely, and a solid concept. There are plenty of defenses that defend this. I have no objection to that. I do object when my WR runs this route, and the timing is beautiful, yet the throw comes out 5 yards to the left or right. There is no earthly reason for this level of inaccuracy. This specific type of route is not a low percentage in regards to accuracy. However, because it is technically not a short route, it is met with the typical accuracy penalties that apply to deeper routes. I would encourage you to run these plays and observe how your QB behaves from a clean pocket. You will see in game that your throws will be inaccurate for no apparent reason. This is mirrored across a lot of plays regardless of formation. Where we should see accuracy penalties are on the low-percentage, deep passes, where a QB is throwing 20+ air yards to a target running outside or down the sideline. These throws are notoriously challenging in the NFL, and missing a little deep or a little left or right is acceptable here because of the high degree of precision required. There is no reason for these plays to receive the same penalties that the other plays I mentioned do, but here we are. Ultimately I would expect that a QB with a clean pocket should be able to deliver an accurate ball. That doesn't mean the ball can't be defended, or miss because the route timing was disrupted and the ball was thrown with anticipation as it should be. But this isn't the case and it's infuriating. The Defensive Backs in this game are incredibly obnoxious with their route jumping ability and their knockout ability. Their range for interceptions is monstrous, and they attack the ball relentlessly. The biggest issue I can see is that they don't really pay a cost for changing direction, or a penalty when reacting to a pass. I'm sure EA has plenty of data about this, but, when games have 5-6 INTs on each side of the ball, something is very very wrong. I see more interceptions - both from the CPU, and from my DBs - than I do sacks from my defensive line. I accept that there will be plays where no one is open because every single WR loses on his route. My problem here is that WRs do win on their routes, but due to inaccuracy and frankly CPU DB supermen making insane catch-up speed plays and intercept the ball or knock it out. There is a difference between throwing a contested pass and throwing a pass to an open WR, only for the defense to suddenly have unrealistic response and intercept the pass. I defy anyone to try and throw a curl route of any kind. Against man coverage, they will jump it. Against zone coverage, they will jump it. And suddenly a route that has a realistic chance is a low percentage play. I will accept that passing in m24 is a low percentage game, and that a sub-50% completion percentage is intended, but if that's the case, and the CPU defense is going to behave this way, I would expect that my defense also behave that way. Additionally, if DBs are going to make ridiculous super human plays to disrupt passing, the interception rate should be lower, as open doesn't mean open. Which is really the crux of this. Open doesn't mean open. A WR runs to a soft spot in the zone and stops, with timing this is a high percentage play. But the defense reaction speed is insane and these plays that should be easy are interceptions at a very high rate. I'm aware that you can go to YouTube and find a way to use the Jets playbook to exploit the fact that Verticals is a joke and can score way more often than it should, or putting "this guy on a streak, that guy on a comeback, and you're guaranteed the corner route." I'm aware that run blocking is very good, and that mixing passing and running is the best way to create passing opportunities. I'm aware of this. I play simulation and my pass/run is generally very good and balanced. I would strongly recommend EA publish recommended simulation sliders for 10, 12, and 15 minute quarters. Or, have the difficulty automatically adjust based on overall game length. The volume of interceptions is perfectly valid for 5 minute quarters with a runoff to 25 seconds. It's not valid for 10+ minute quarters, as an example. I would also strongly recommend you classify routes - not plays - for accuracy penalties, coverage adjustments, etc. Take the time to categorize things appropriately. Low percentage plays should be low percentage, but high percentage plays must be exactly that, or it's wildly immersion breaking.23KViews7likes18CommentsDisappearing Franchise player
Austin Ekeler disappeared when I made it to the playoffs in franchise mode as head coach. They're still on the team. Still in the depth chart. Not injured. But for some reason it has the backups in and the starters wont take the field. When I try to select the play by player all the plays are just non existent. Franchise mode messed up year two in a row. Just dumped hours into this one and just quit bc I cant even play my starters. RIP thanks EA (not my photos but same exact issue) -fatigue mode is also off41Views0likes0CommentsMadden rewards
Madden rewards is not showing correct number of packs opened. It shows I have only opened 61. When I had the companion app it showed over 5000 opened. I have spent thousands on madden 24. I have not received any gifted packs from ea. I used to get them alot, I used to get daliys that were 1 coin or a 100. I havenot got those since the summer . I will have to think about it before I spend another dime on Madden. I'm very upset over thiskiladoodles123 days agoNew Novice50Views0likes0CommentsCreate a Female Player Option
My wishlist is to have an option to create a female player. remembered in Madden NFL 2011, there was a female quarterback in the game. The NHL series also has a create a female player option. There have been female football players in high school, college and Indoor football league. It would be cool to create a female quarterback.PalomaMarvel2425 days agoSeasoned Ace829Views0likes2CommentsYall really need to look at defender movement
I dont think its ever been worse in any madden ever even if u know the exact thing thats coming the defensive player movement is so slow and janky theyre not even capable of getting to the spot u are literally oushijg thek to go to for 5 seconds plus its god awful. And the fact that u have to run in citcles with your player pre snap to be able to control his kovelent immediately post snap is absolutely absurd and whoever cant fix this should be fired immediately- its so bad it's laughable. U made a football that the only way i can control my players actual movements immediately post snap is if im running in a circle - if i dont - the player does some ridiculous computer animation getting him way out of position and this is even if im the user on the defensive player. I mean how absurd can it get the amount of disadvantages this puts u in is so ridculous its hard to continue playing. Like why cant i control thr defensive player im usering!!!! Its so bad u guys should be ashamed youve soent all this time and u can control a player immediately lost snap without running in a circle. I mean fire the man in oversight of this. Completely laughable. 2k would make a way better game i have zero doubts about that.sandamane2226 days agoRising Novice84Views0likes0CommentsSliders for Realistic League Play
EA should offer up sliders for realistic league play for Franchise users. One centered on players ratings and how teams are developed. I feel this would add great benefit to those who run season 4-5 years deep. Also, commissioners should be able to add additional training points to players/coaches who teams are not thag good. Should not be a blanket points accumulation fast/faster scenario. Or in a league full of custom coaches, commissioners should be able to add points to new coaches or owners. Additionally add a strength coach to go along with HC, OC, and PP.49Views0likes0CommentsXF Trait
With the QB XF being so vast and unique within passing, the Middle Linebackers XF should include being able to scramble 2-3 WR routes when in the zone. Something needs to be added that allows them to counter the QB being able to see coverages. Passing is too elite in Franchise play with no real way to stop.46Views0likes0CommentsH2H (road to superbowl) won't count wins for me
wins are not showing up. i noticed it only happens whenever a player finishes the entire game and i press "finish game"... it only counts the wins where the opponent concedes and im not sure what to do its been like this for 2-3 weeks and nothing has changed (not to mention same problems on Madden24). its really disheartening not getting the rewards for those long duration games that take up 40 minutes to finish and end on the last play. Now im supposed to be 5-0 on Road to super-bowl and its saying im 1-0 smh this is ridiculous why sell us a game crawling with bugs when its the same exact program model every single year, it makes no sense.86Views0likes1CommentBanned for coin distribution
Regrettably I am here upset and confused. Now I've always believed websites selling xoins were legitimate I've seen ads for it seen ultimate came out I've just never played enough to spend my money on it. This year I decided I would really get into mut. I spent $150 on packs got a bunch good players but not the ones I wanted. So I come across [edited] page on YouTube ranks the top players in each position pretty entertaining but I just got to thinking how could he afford all these players. And of course at the is an [edited] ad selling cheap mut without a second thought I bite the bait. Now I'm banned from the auction unable to enjoy the game. At this point all I'm asking is for ea to address the people promoting coin distribution like it says in the user agreement rather than punishing people like me. [CM edited - Removed the name of the channel]Solved215Views0likes2CommentsWINS not Counting 2025
Football is a beautiful game, this EA spin on a video game is not. I recently stopped getting my wins to register in game. I have won 4 in a row and only shows 2. THE GLITCH SEEMS TO BE IF I WIN AT THE LAST SECOND VIA FIELD GOAL, it does not register. BUT IT SURE DOES REGISTER MY LOSES TO TEAMS that i get ridiculously outmatched at in terms of OVR. The game itself is frustrating enough, but if I’m playing games that won’t amount to any rewards that’s promised, then I am going to return this POS back to amazon. I can’t even find a legit live support despite the amount of $ EA makes, it’s foul. Y’all did me dirty, %100 returning it on amazon if I don’t get a moderator to help, i wasted my time playing the game and i’m not going to waste anymore time reading the same poop articles on here.144Views1like1Comment