Repeated play exploitation feedback. Better UX feedback. Please read.
Please review my last online game
clear exploitation of the game. There was absolutely zero way to guard it. You can play it absolutely perfect and the play will always work. This guy ran the same player without even audibles every single down for the entire game.
i play competitively and i am typically in the champion tier. This was the most exploited play I’ve seen since the fast route glitch
U Cannot run the same play without even hot routing and it work even if you play it perfectly - the damn system should be able to pick up on repeated plays and patterns not allowing a user to exploit plays. It’s not even close to realistic, if a team ran the same play with the same routes over and over and over, even if I can’t control 11 players, in any universe every single player on the field would know exactly how to play it becuase they’ve seen 20x but your system always gets to a point of unplayable exploitation. It’s not football, it’s Arcadia, almost to the point of nfl blitz.
this happens every year, it’s a fun game and awesome if your good at it and then there’s a point where u start playing players that do the exact same thing every single down and no matter how I play it - it cannot be stopped. And this happens with different teams and different users but the exact same concept - find one literally unguardable concept and run it every single down, now the user just has to make the right button choice but there will 100% of the time no matter what the defense plays zone man or blitz it will be open every single time.
i take pride in the fact that i can play football games in multiple ways, the run, rpo, pass, pa, red zone offense, deep plays, quick passes. The variety of play calling and the variety in every down being atleast slightly different and on the fly, is what makes football fun including its video games. This is becuase the game of football is very difficult and it takes complex schemes to dial a defense, and just like in real life in order to be successful in football you have to give the defense different looks and unpredictability and counter attacking (it’s ok to have a game plan and call same play multiple times but not every down of the entire game). - if this facet of football is taken away then you do not have a game of football anymore, what you have is arcade style entertainment. Because on no planet under any circumstances with the 12 best players that have ever lived could you ever call the same play and play it the same way and have it work 100% of the time, why? Becuase again THAT IS NOT FOOTBALL.
Now if I want to play a football video game, why in the world would I want to choose the same play over and over, and why would I want to play against someone who is choosing the same play over and over? My goal is to enjoy playing and being the coach of a nfl and football experience, however every single year in madden as soon as you get to competitive level, the game becomes unplayable, becuase you are no longer playing football, and the purpose of the game is to give me a football experience. This is not becuase you start losing when it gets competitive, because that’s not the case I still win majority of my games, however it is no longer fun nor does it feel like I am playing a football game any longer.
it’s clear and obvious experts of any game will master it and find exploitations, however your game has to be different and unexploitable, because the game of football itself is unexploitable to that level. There has to be a way to penalize players from running the exact same concept exact same play the exact same way. I get that defenses already will adjust if they’ve ran 5 curls and the next they might jump, but this only works on the scale of one person on the field and if the ball is going to the guy he’s guarding. all 11 players would obviously know every route every play if this were the case not the one player guarding the curl route that was thrown to.
EA I know you can make this happen and start making the competitive landscape, an actual nfl experience, and an actual football game. The graphics are there, we’re here EA, please make the game more like the game of football. Is it not possible to program it to where if every thing in a play was the same as the previous play it might get a percentage better at guarding it all around! then they run it again, and it slightly gets better by another small percentage, and then they run it again and it gets guarded better by another small percentage (players start automatically shifting over knowing what to expect, players auto react as soon as the balls snapped when it looks identical to the previous play, etc.). By the time the 2nd quarter is over and that’s the only play he’s ran that play might be 88% covered and expected by the defense, the entire defense not the one guy guarding who he throws to. But let’s say they start doing other stuff, then that percentage slowly goes down, and if he runs it 5x more in row it start going back up. You could say 3 times in a row is a bigger percentage than 2 times in a row, and 4 is more than 3 and so on. And as the player adds more variety or difference (not in there gameplan, but their literal player movements, routes, decisions, and executions) then the percentage on that play slowly diminishes.
there HAS TO BE A WAY TO GE THIS UNDER CONTROL, becuase I love madden and I want to keep playing but it always gets to a point where I can’t, I’m no longer playing a football game.and that’s what I want to play in which I do until finally get fed up with competitive gameplay, it’s not enjoyable, it’s not football, it’s not the nfl, it’s not everything you guys stand for and want to produce. And it’s also far far far away from what John Madden wanted it to be, becuase he knew better than anyone, you absolutely can’t make it a game that doesn’t represent football. He would’ve absolutely hated competitive gameplay becuase it represents nothing that the game of football, the nfl, and John Madden represent.
I am a UX designer personally, and yes I would accept a job at EA. I could easily fix this, and your entire player base would grow and you’d have a chance at people watching your competitive gameplay and possibly even betting on it at a scale waaaay larger than the scale that’s happening on now. More ppl would play madden, and your current players would play more and enjoy it more, and you competitive players would learn to adjust and realize football is a lot more complicated than finding errors in computer software games and exploiting those errors. Your games would be so much more enjoyable and could be entertainment for fans.
i know EA won’t fix this, I also know it’s possible to fix this, I also know EA knows it’s possible to fix this. And I also know I’m wasting my time writing this.
but here you go EA, for your goddamn suggestion box!