Helmets and Socks
Can we get the socks and helmets fixed already? Teambuilder has been out for awhile now and the socks and helmets are still bugged out with no update to when they will be fixed. These features work just fine in CFB 25, so how hard could this be to fix?
None of the material types work on the helmets when picking Chrome, Matte, or Satin. It just always defaults to Glossy no matter what the selection is. I know this has been talked about too, but the sock length and color are also just defaulted to white and tall.
Please madden, lets get this fixed already so Teambuilder can feel a bit more complete. It really takes away from the whole experience when you design something that looks awesome, but is ruined by these bugs. No point in starting a Franchise until this is fixed, so can you please provide a timeline on this?