11 years ago
Camera Angles?
I've tried multiple times to switch my camera angles on defense, I've tried tons of different buttons. Can anyone help me by informing me of what button it is? If there even is a button? This is extr...
I have also had this problem! I have been playing madden for years now and I wanted to get madden 15 for the new console (I had just bought an Xbox One). I make an offline connected careers player, which is my favorite game mode in madden, and they change the angle on me! I have been used to playing with the angle that is behind the defense for years now and they just completely change it? I looked all over and I think this a setting that is set-in-stone. Which really makes me mad because I can't even play connected careers because it's too hard! I tried contacting support and they said they didn't have any advisors....
EA, please make an update where the players have the choice to change their camera angle to one they want, and not forced to use!
There's an option in settings you can turn ON or OFF that allows you to change the camera angle with the D pad. When it's ON, up and down on the D pad switch zooms of camera angles.
What option called
Where is this mystery on off button? I've tried everything. It just started locking in zoom. Never had this issue changing my zoom last game I played. I know the up down arrows are supposed to change that. Been using them. Now all of the sudden it doesn't work.