Forum Discussion
Hi, Madden Community.
Thank you for reaching out to us about this error, we'll flag this up to the team and find out more info on what is happening here. We could use your help on this by letting us know of the following details below. If you can reply back as soon as possible with this information we'll pass it up to the team ASAP.
- Gamertag/PSN ID/Origin ID
- Platform you play on (PS5/PS4/Xbox Series X, PC)
- Which game mode are you getting this error in
- Have you tried power cycling your console and local network (Yes/No)
- When did you start experiencing this error? Did you always experience it or did it show up after an update? When did it start happening?
- 4 years ago
- A_cr33l
- ps5
- Every online game mode
- yes
- 4 years ago
PlayStation 5
I get it through out all the game modes. As soon as I start the game and it loads it says it and usually after most loading screens outside of game play.
I tried power cycling. I’ve tried reinstalling. I made sure the internet was on and functioning (with a wired connection). - 4 years ago
- 4 years ago
Same problem
- 4 years ago
Gamertag/PSN ID/Origin ID.
Platform you play on (PS5/PS4/Xbox Series X, PC)
Which game mode are you getting this error in
All - cannot get into game modes without resolving this issue
Have you tried power cycling your console and local network (Yes/No)
When did you start experiencing this error? Did you always experience it or did it show up after an update? When did it start happening?
Always experienced it.
- 4 years ago
Madden 22 Ultimate Team
- 4 years ago
I've had this error every since they patched the physique glitch.
- 4 years ago
1. iBangHomie
2. ps5
3. All game modes, and during menu navigation. Can’t edit avatar either.
4. yeshope this gets resolved soon or I’ll be attempting to issue a refund.. already wishing I hadn’t spent the money..
- 4 years ago
Xbox series x
Everytime I do anything on the game
Yes I've done all troubleshooting
- 4 years ago
I am having a similar issue to this on Xbox Series X - only when trying to play MUT Solo Challenges though. I am able to access the auction house and play Online H2H games, etc but I get an error message on Solos and I am unable to play any Solo Challenges at this time. This is unacceptable and I have spent about $200+ on this game over the past couple of days. Now whenever I try to start a new Solo/Challenge I get an Error message that reads "Error - Our servers cannot process your request at this time. Please try again later"(see attached) and it kicks me back to the main menu log in screen. I have tried a signing in/out, hard resetting my console multiple times, tried resetting my Modem multiple times(I have a wired ethernet connection), and finally I just deleted and re-installed the full game but I still get the same error message on Solo Challenges.
***My information is below but this is a huge let down for me after spending about $200 + on the game over this launch weekend only to not be able to grind out any Solos today. Anything you can provide as far as an update/fix asap would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
- My Gamertag : Trouble5hooter
- Platform I play on : Xbox Series X
- Which game mode are you getting this error in : Any Solo Challenge in Ultimate Team
- Have you tried power cycling your console and local network : Yes, I have tried everything I can think of. I have tried a signing in/out, hard resetting my console multiple times, tried resetting my Modem multiple times(I have a wired ethernet connection), and finally I just deleted and re-installed the full game but I still get the same error message on Solo Challenges.
- 4 years ago
So I’ve been trying to play other game modes within MUT since I cannot play Solo Challenges and it turns out, I’m also unable to play Squads or Online H2H Play-A-Friend…. it seems the only game mode I can play still is regular MUT online H2H. Not sure if all of these game mode Errors are related but I wanted to mention it here just in case.
- 4 years ago
Ridiculous…after over two weeks of limited access to game features, your latest patch to PS5 has made the game unplayable. I’m now stuck on the edit avatar screen when I log in and can’t do anything.
Please correct these issues instead of trying to make posting in these forums some kind of fun activity that awards XP.
- My Gamertag : Larkynus
- Platform I play on : Playstation 5
- Which game mode are you getting this error in : every mode
- Have you tried power cycling your console and local network : yes, I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the game multiple times and deleted game files.
- 4 years ago
Same for me. Can't do any challenges or Solo Battles in UT, but can edit team, access Market Place, etc.
- 4 years ago
1. chromeroper
2. PS4
3. Every game mode except exhibition and happens every time you go to main menu forma mode or log into the game.
4. yes i have tried cycling my system and it hasn’t fixed it. EA FIX THIS NOW
- 4 years ago
-most modes
-yes many times. I’m getting so frustrated and I have no idea how to fix it
- 4 years ago
-Console I play on Xbox One
-MUT and Face of the Franchise
-Yes I have tried everything and am still getting the same error messages and missing rewards, very frustrating
- 4 years ago
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