Wrongful Ban / EA Accountability
- 5 years ago
@EA_Sports Why is it EA blames all of us that are banned for the market being broken. We are blamed for violating the rules in the TOS. Our actions have damaged the in-game economy. How are we damaging the in-game economy when you all do giveaways dump trucks and produce broken packs and bundles in store that you all later have to issue make rights for. Yet you all really believe we are the reason for Madden 21’s already broken in-game economy. This game is broken the economy is broken your team of developers broke this game many other games. EA needs to take accountability for all of this, instead you all deflect and attack the community. So you expect us all to believe that the robot or program you all put in place to ban us and sanction our accounts (permanently) works perfectly fine,. and has no bugs or glitches. The fact is the program or robot you all put in the game to flag and ban accounts is completely broken like the rest of your games at EA. I can’t remember the last time Electronic Arts produced any good game. Like I said before this is only beginning to pick up speed and gain traction an avalanche is coming and you all will be looking for a job. @EA_Bluefairy.