Forum Discussion
Agreed on the lack of diversity of the planets / weather patterns, at one point I was expecting a massive downpour on the jungle planet to finish the massive rainforest motif going on with that planet only to never see a drop of rain.
I could see why the weather patterns may be limited on consoles due to limited resources, but seriously the option should be there.
For the empty store in NG+ are you between levels 61-70? That's a bug numerous people have come into, basically 1 tier weapons/armor refusing to spawn right. -- This effects not only vendors but the item crates as well.
Another thing broken in NG+
Special/Mission items are not removed from your inventory so it causes certain continuity errors in game "Vague to avoid posting spoilers"
Now something I saw in 1.04 but am not sure if its in 1.05
Relationships don't seem/feel fluid or real much at all... it's all just a "Paint by numbers & Connect the Dots" mashup to get to the fireworks with X before basically getting ignored after that scene.
There's plenty more but it's all been posted to death on the bugs forum so I'll bite my tongue for now 🙂
My issues:
1. Quests that you've completed, talked to the giver, but you don't get credit for doing and they remain in your quest log as unfinished. (Earning the badge quest on the Nexus)
2. Items that have a quest marker over them but never give you a way to open them. (Gets worse late game)
3. Sam telling me I have email when I don't.
4. Lexi asking to see me in medbay when she has nothing to say.
5. Old dialogue popping up when you walk past an NPC.
6. Asari who are obviously clones. The Asari used to be beautiful - now they all have the same nose, eyes, etc. Lazy!!!!
7. Quests getting stuck, won't complete - particularly bad late in the game.
8. ARs not lethal enough, worse than pistols - lazy!!!
9. Reyes' romance - what a cheat! Romances for heterosexual women sadly lacking!!!!! Liam? ugh, who wants to sleep with a boy? Jaal okay but...he's purple and blue.
10. Game freezing in various and sundry places - it's as if it just gives up. You can be doing nothing and the game freezes and you have to reload.
I play on an Xbox One, with decent internet/wifi.
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