Forum Discussion
@Xx-Gimmle-xXExactly. It's a shame what they did to Mass Effect and it's a shame that all good people at BioWare are gone. This wouldn't have had happen if Casey Hudson would be still the producer. Okay, we would have a sh*tty ending, but the rest of the game would be okay. Unfortunately he decided to work for Microsoft...
Maybe if we help start an easier to read catalog of the issues on a site like a github repo with a readme etc? That would allow us/them to see what has been checked/fixed/etc ?
See my thread in Game Info:
- 8 years ago
If there are people interested, i'll be happy to open a github repo and add anyone who wants to contribute.
- 8 years ago
I can't start Out of the Frying Pan mission after settling on Kadara. The guy who gives you the mission is standing in the dock area. Name is Grayson Wessler
Not sure if that's a bug or since I chose Reyes as leader, and the guy giving me the mission was an Outcast, then he might have gotten killed during the raid to kick the Outcasts from Kadara.
Anyways, after killing Sloane and completing the High Noon mission, he is gone from where he was. Same goes for the other Outcast guys you're supposed to talk to for the mission (eg. Krogan warden near the exit to the Slums).
- 8 years ago
If someone wants to start a github they can try, but the chances of the devs using anything like that is slim I'd say. Also, to hopefully make Bioware and EA sit up and get their acts together heres a review I dug up from ACG, pretty much sums everything up in 12 mins.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx LOL I loved the last part : "I can play 60 hours of mass effect andromeda or flick my nuts for 60 hours, I can, it doesn't mean I want to" I was laughing my head off.
Edited spolier alert, if you didn't finish the game don't read:
SpoilerBy the way, I hate what they did with the decision making regarding the turian pathfinder and the krogan scouts, apparently it makes no change what so ever if you decide to save the turian pathefinder, if you save the krogan scouts than you don't fight the krogan Kett later on in game, but the other decision makes no difference what so ever. - 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX, lol yeah ACG is good at telling it like it is. I really hope Bioware / EA has sat up and taken notice.
- 8 years ago
Another bug.... and a really fkn bad one I know everyone has encountered but theres so many damn bugs has just been forgotten about by us... On Voeld, the mission you pick up to take out the main kett base, the room you have to turn off / hack a bunch of consoles while fighting every kind of kett enemy, the fires that start when taking the consoles out causes seizure inducing what seems to be light flickering. If anyone knows what I mean and can tell me the name of that mission and generally some more details that would be great so I can add it to the first post.
- 8 years ago
Mike Gamble posted on twitter earlier that the next patch is being dropped tomorrow so hopefully a lot more issues will be fixed.
- 8 years ago
@iFail_v_B34STLY, we can hope. I so want MEA to be good, but I think theres too many issues and everyone is just going to forget about it. You really couldn't blame anyone for doing so. It will be a test to see just how much Bioware and EA really care about MEA.
- 8 years agoI agree. We waited so long for ME:A I hope that the new developers can cooperate and take insight from the fan base all the while being extremely committed. Because as you say the game at the moment isn't in a great condition and is going to require lots of work.
I know personally I won't forget about the game, mass effect is one of my favourite franchises and I will see it through and support the game/devs in whatever direction they go but that's just me. This won't be the case for a good percentage of the fans/players. - 8 years ago
I used to love Mass Effect, MEA has released with so many bugs and balancing issues it has completely ruined the game for me and thats not even getting to things like the dodgy animations, random FPS tanking for no reason (especially on the Tempest) and poorly written story with uninspired musical score.
Prove my suspicions wrong Bioware, show you care about Mass Effect.
FYI folks I checked metacritic earlier today the PC version of MEA has a rather unimpressive 73 critic score and 4.9 rating user score. Ouch.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx tomorrow's patch will probably say :
1. nomad shield crafting quest reported fixed.
2. minor bug issues.
and with that we will have to wait for another 3 months for them to start moving their * to fix all the problems.
I want to know when the MAJOR bugs are being addressed, even if they just write down that they are looking into it, or that they solved it and it is ready for release on next patch.
I don't care, I just want to know.
I do agree with you though, this ME game ruined the series for me as well. but hey, I am back to playing ME1 so GO SHEPARD!!
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xXI bloody hope not! If it does all it will show is that the animators have been working their arses off for the cutscenes (supposedly theres going to be heavy work on them thats ongoing) while the rest of the team has sat around with their thumbs up their arses and not bothered with any bug fixing. Also Bioware, I'll say it plain, graphically MEA looks sh!t this is Frostbite3 you are using you should be utterly ashamed of how 70% of this game looks.
Also, I forgot to mention it in my last post but critics went WAY too easy on MEA, not many reviewers had the balls to call it out for what it is but I'm glad a few did at least.
- 8 years ago
FYI guys the MEA patch is coming down for me now. Its 1.29GB. You can fix a lot of bugs in a patch that size... but probably not animations. We shall see. For the love of god the falling through levels and weapon balancing issues better be fixed.
- 8 years ago
Patch Notes for 1.06: Balance for 1.06
Looks like they patched quite a bit, not all of the issues listed here but a good number of items including a few we didn't post.
- 8 years ago
@Pyro411 Most of those patch notes are piddly things it would seem but perhaps theres a bunch of issues fixed but not listed. No mention of a fix for * like falling through the level when melee attacking or any mention about weapon balancing in single player, only multiplayer. In all honesty the amount of stuff they fixed in what is it now? 2 months? Is really not that much.
Let's try to be positive though... who hasn't had their will to play this game completely squashed and can test the patch with a standard game and NG+? I'll be able to removed fixed problems from the first post then.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx I've been waiting for the AVP fix which they say they fixed, so I am going to restart the game, as my current game is * up broken.
So any fix I see I'll let you know. let's hope the next patch will come sooner than later.
I hoped they would also fix the MP issue where pushing enemies out of bounds result in the last shooter to receive the kill, but I guess we will have to wait for that one.
- 8 years ago
Ok, X-Box One 1.06 immediate items I noticed -- Current game save, pre NG+
Relating to the 61-70 gear bug
Loot boxes are now giving weapons again
Store is now populated with gear
AVP Nexus level jumped up to 25 from 20 for me *NO CRYO PODS UNLOCKED* -- Not sure if that's a bug or by design
SAM didn't notify me of having email
Unable to craft "Improved Shield Regeneration"
Eos & Elaaden still missing name plates from galaxy map
Landing Sequence to Eos missing the ground textures which snap in near the end of the landing
The Eos terminal with the phantom ! now properly shows the quest for locating the missing drones
Having more than 100 items no longer states inventory full when 1**/200
Habitat 7 not renamed to Ryder-1
Nexus still not showing construction progress
Landing sequence magically moves docked ARKs compared to scanner / overview look of it
Shapiro still talking about the power outages making no sense
Stairwell near Hydroponics still shows up as ?? on the map until you're on it
Can still get into Peebee's apartment
Can still get into Garson's apartment
Broken panels still showing in Operations after "Repairs"
Tann still talking about where to place people from the Asari ARK with all planets at 100% viability & Meridian opened
-- Started NG+
Fell into texture when I had to set the controller down & walk away for a bit causing the console to go to sleep - required load of latest game save to become movable again
Summoned the Remnant VI which spawned & followed me around the Nexus, Hyperion, and Tempest -- Haven't gotten to Eos to disband it yet, lol very annoying.
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