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kizmiazz7's avatar
4 years ago

Pre-rendered cutscenes play in slow motion (4-12 fps, PC)


I just finished ME1 and all of the pre recorded cutscenes played in slow motion (4-12 fps) while the audio plays at normal speed (audio and video are not in sync). Quite often I would be back in game before the cutscene has the opportunity to play till the end.

For example, in the final fight against Sovereign, the cutscene of the alliance ships attacking the Sovereign ship would play in slow motion, the cutscene would end abruptly, I would be dead, and have the option to load a save. Its my first time playing the game so I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. But after 6 or 7 attempts I realized that my Shepard was just dying while the cutscene continued to play. On my 6th or 7th attempt the cutscene ended just before my shepard's health went to zero and I was able to recover and end the game.  I kept spamming spacebar to skip the cutscene in my final attempt but im not sure if that had anything to do with me making it back to the fight on time or not. 

I watched some youtube videos of the cutscenes to confirm that my cutscenes actually played in slow motion. 

I booted up ME2 hoping the cutscene issue was limited to ME1 but the issue persists and I really don't want to play this entire trilogy with unwatchable cutscenes. 

I'm playing this on a Macbook Pro 2017 15inch (Bootcamp/Windows) with a 5700XT eGPU. FPS in game is consistently in the triple digits, its just the (seemingly prerecorded) cutscenes that are buggy. I have updated to the latest available AMD drivers. 

Any assistance with a workaround or a bug fix would be very much appreciated!

24 Replies

  • @madhato wrote:

    I finished ME2 and the resized 1920x1080 cutscene videos worked great. I also finished ME3 and unfortunately some cutscenes still played in slow motion after being resized. Particularly the cutscenes at the end of the game, and there is a lot of them which kind of ruins the ending.

    I just started ME3 and so far so good, better than ME2 in fact because there isn't the slight out of sync audio anymore. One thing I realized in ME2 is also make sure you do the DLC videos! That might be why the cut scenes at the end of the game were screwed up for you because many of them are actually in the DLC folder. We'll see if that works for me.

    I will add this fix did not work for Arrival for some reason. Not quite sure why.

  • @dinoscool3 wrote:

    Has anyone found an answer for ME3? ME1 and ME2 seem to work fine with the fix suggested above, but if it doesn't work for ME3 that's no good. I can't seem to get ALOV to work in the ME mod launcher. Thoughts?

    EDIT: I think I got ALOV working but now the issue has returned on ME2? With the resolution fix described on the previous page some of the clips seemed to work fine but the audio was delayed. Very not good for egpu users!!

    How did you manage to get ALOV to work? Im also having issues with it and its not working for me. I've also been trying the resolution fix. Any help with ALOV would be greatly appreciated

  • lythacor3's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    3 years ago

    Has anyone found any other fixes for this? I don't have an eGPU, but this is happening to me. I tried ALOV and downscaling the videos, but it didn't work. EA help has been no help.

  • MikosEnigma's avatar
    6 days ago

    I have exactly the same thing on a standard PC with a Radeon card. I play on Linux and thought this was the cause, but I see I'm not alone and it happens on Windows too. In my case, the problem occurs in Immortals of Aveum.

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