5 years ago
Ads don’t show
Product: NBA Live Mobile Platform:Apple iPhone Summarize your bug Watch ad for w’s won’t show up. How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?...
It is really annoying that we can't use any of the ads.
Everyone who is experiencing the same issue misses on everyday basis the following:
- 1 Monthly Master Token
- 2,100 [350 x6] Welcome to NY points
- 500 PvP points
- 500 [10 x50] stamina, if we assume that we were able to use 10 ads per day
- 300 Dallas International points
We got a compensation of just 2,000 NY points & 200 stamina..!
What about the other campaigns?
Will we be able to get those nice new cards? I suppose not, if the problem persists.
Please, send us some real compensation, so that these campaigns will not be a waste of time...
Thank you in advance