Forum Discussion
@EA_Blueberry Attached is a message sent to customer support in attempt to address an issue with the SuperDuo campaign that just recently ended. NUMEROUS people had several issues with this campaign. Mostly game crashes and not receiving prizes after winning/game crashing. The responses I have gotten in the past are the usual protocol of sorry for the frustration, post your issue on the help forums, we wish we could help but it's the developers not customer service, and this last one was a total joke. I was finally compensated something. I received the 99 OVR MIDDLETON that I rightfully earned roughly a week ago, I actually did enough to earn the 99 OVR Middleton and 99 OVR Westbrook. I already have the 99 OVR Harden, along with all duo upgrade tokens needed, so I would have definitely been able to win the 110 OVR Harden and Westbrook duo. My compensation came 3 hours AFTER the event ended. Giving me 0% chance to win the 110 OVR duo. To me this is worse than not receiving anything at all. We already know EA is lacking in Customer Support, but now they are laughing in our faces. It's like they waited until after the event to compensate to say, awwwww.....look how close you got, too bad. Then after receiving the compensation they send me a bs message saying that they sent my player and this resolves my issue and closed my case. This is beyond unacceptable. After spending countless hours and real money to earn something and have someone treat a customer like this. This is NOT what customer service is about. What large companies, and even small ones, fail to realize is that without us (the paying customers) they DON'T HAVE A JOB! I am kindly asking someone who actually cares, to look into my case and my evidence and do what's right. Credit my account the 99 OVR WESTBROOK so I can complete my SuperDuo set that I have rightfully paid for and earned. At first I just wanted my 2 battle points that I had lost due to game crashes and malfunctions. Seeing as how that campaign is over, those would do me no good. As stated earlier, I had already earned EVERYTHING else to complete this set and would have except for these 2 issues happening. Thanks.
- 6 years ago
@EA_Blueberry , @EA_Barry , can I get a response from someone regarding my issue. I literally could have went out and bought a brand new XBOX AND PLAYSTATION with multiple games for each with the amount of money I have spent on this game since installing it. Literally probably $2,000 or more. This is the Thanks that a loyal customer gets when they have an issue. If that's the case, then I already have close to another 100 people willing to uninstall this game and never spend another penny on an EA Sports product. Also, I'm sure each of those 100 know 5-10 people willing to do the same. The trend continues. I'm sure you know how the gaming community sticks together. Let's just get someone to do the right thing and get me, and everyone else who had these exact same issues, what we deserve. In my case it's the 99 OVR WESTBROOK from the SUPERDUO campaign. If I had of been credited my 2 battle points in a reasonable amount of time, I could have won 99 OVR MIDDLETON and then went on to win the 99 OVR WESTBROOK. Since it took until after the campaign ended to be awarded anything, and it was just 99 OVR MIDDLETON, I feel betrayed, let down, and severely disappointed in this game. Actually not the game, in the tech and customer support for this game. Obviously there were enough people who had issues during this particular campaign to where EA sent out compensation to those they "deemed affected". What about the people who had legitimate issues that were not handled? Do we just say, Oh well, and move on to spend more money on the next campaign to try to win another top prize. Only to be screwed over by another "technical difficulty". I'm learning from my past mistakes and this time I'm saying No, it will not continue. Please, please, please, I'm literally on my floor kneeling, begging you to credit me the 99 OVR WESTBROOK before the upgrade period ends so I can accomplish what I started out to do and would have succeeded in doing except for the glitch in the game. Thank you.
- 6 years ago
@Millertime101781@JFD24 @1714753 @Yaswanth2632000 @BubajanYT @EA_BlueberryTartieMariel0810 @pilimon0506 @suraj3921 make yourself heard here.
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