If it helps, I started a showdown game with my classic lineup on my google pixel phone with the latest android version. I forgot I had started a showdown game and the app timed out and closed. When I opened it back up again I started getting this issue. Needless to say I really can't stand EA right now - they have a 1-star review from me on google play and it will remain that way until they compensate me not only for this bug, but also the last bug where the game crashed for over a month in H2H and LvL. This game is beyond ridiculous at this point.
Edit: and for compensation I'm not talking about 1 freaking pro pack. I've been in an awesome league all season and now I'm likely going to get kicked because I can't even tell them why I'm not completing my drives, and there's no way for me to contact them. I was also planning on getting the 98 Olajuwan but that's obviously not going to happen. One pro pack is nothing compared to a 98 Olajuwan and awesome leaguemates. Not to mention I missed out on a deal for 96 Larry Bird because of this bug - now I'll likely have to pay a couple million coins more for the same card. Thanks a lot.