2 years ago
Game keeps crashing
Games keeps crashing as soon as the ea sign comes.I tried reinstalling, removing cache , restarting phone but nothing worked. The app and phone os are up to date.Pls help
Hi all,
This issue is currently under investigation by the EA teams - as soon as we have updates on this, we'll be providing them here in this thread.
Thank you everyone for the reports on this so far!
While appreciated, I have invested not only time but money in all 3 events that I couldn't complete due to thia issue, for Westbrook, Giannis (the event is month long but I needed to play out the month to get enough honor tokens to get the player) and the Live Event game for Kawai.
Howbwill that be made right? This is the second time I have invested money in this game only to see it wasted because the game is undependable. The first time I played for a year, also invested a ton of time and money, I had to stop playing for a bit then my whole profile was erased and I had to start totally from scratch.
No offense but fool me once shame on me, fool me twice why should I have any confidence in this game?
Product: NBA Live Mobile
Platform: Android Phone
Device type: Xiaomi Redmi Note 12
Summarize your bug: Game crashes.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try to launch the game.
What happens when the bug occurs?
Game crashes and you see the home screen of your device.
What do you expect to see?
The game loading and eventually the home screen of the game.