Forum Discussion
Hi, I'd like to gather some information from those reporting this.
Can I get the following?
UID: (you'll find this on your settings page
Which card(s) you're trying to auction?
If you have images that should help too.
How did you acquire the card in the first place?
Thank you.
UID : [Removed - CM]
- 7 years ago
I placed a bid for Legends SF George Gervin 91 OVR for about 400,000 coin. When my bid expired I went to go collect my coin, but the bid and player had disappeared. As a result, I was not able to get my coin back. This is the second time this happened today (12/31/18). It's so frustrating. The first player was Legends SG Rip Hamilton 350,000 coin.
I'm having an issue when I play Showdown. First I find an opponent. Then, before I can even start the match the whole app keeps shutting down. Then when I reboot it tells me that the I lost the match and I lose around 8,000 fans as well as 20 stamina each time because the match expired.Guess what?
It takes me less than a minute to log back in so there is no way the match could have expired when I have a total of 9 minutes to complete a game against an opponent.
This is season 3, I know programming and stuff is technical but there just shouldn't be these type of problems that exist, especially when we as customers our spending our money.
Please resolve this issue. Thanks.
Oh and also my 79 OVR Harrison Barnes will NOT sell no matter what price I list it as.
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