Forum Discussion
Bad netcode, bad choice of protocol, inappropriate buffer size, all of these things factor in why it is so bad. A guy on reddit could barely get 8 wins a week in Champs. He went to Montreal on business trip and went 18-2. It is not rocket science. The top 40 people in HUT champs last week and where they play from:
Quebec Finland Ottawa Quebec Quebec Houston Vancouver Quebec Quebec Ottawa Windsor
Sweden Finland Quebec Toronto Rochester Toronto Toronto Edmonton Czech Republic
Toronto Austria Vancouver Toronto Finland Quebec Quebec Quebec Toronto Quebec
Brampton (Ontario) Toronto, New Jersey.
Then Toronto Quebec Ottawa.
Again, it is not rocket science. Where are the Calgary, Winnipeg, Maritime people? Only one Edmonton person? Where are the 55 million from the NE United States? You telling me that the majority of the best people in this game all happen to live in close vicinity of servers (compared to majority of population) and it is the same region where people complain that there is a delay when they play them?
Also, why doesn't this occur in VS? I play VS which is peer to peer and there is lag occasionally, freeze or speed up, but not the same, not a delay. It is because of the dedicated servers, net code, choice of protocol and buffer size. It has been well documented.
Whole thing is a joke. Been going on for 3 years like this, horrible company makes crappy game, it is what happens when one company has monopoly of game type and since NHL so niche it is not going to change. Hell, FIFA is huge makes tons more money than NHL and they didn't change that lol
@niccolo91ea schrieb:Bad netcode, bad choice of protocol, inappropriate buffer size, all of these things factor in why it is so bad. A guy on reddit could barely get 8 wins a week in Champs. He went to Montreal on business trip and went 18-2. It is not rocket science. The top 40 people in HUT champs last week and where they play from:
Quebec Finland Ottawa Quebec Quebec Houston Vancouver Quebec Quebec Ottawa Windsor
Sweden Finland Quebec Toronto Rochester Toronto Toronto Edmonton Czech Republic
Toronto Austria Vancouver Toronto Finland Quebec Quebec Quebec Toronto Quebec
Brampton (Ontario) Toronto, New Jersey.
Then Toronto Quebec Ottawa.
Again, it is not rocket science. Where are the Calgary, Winnipeg, Maritime people? Only one Edmonton person? Where are the 55 million from the NE United States? You telling me that the majority of the best people in this game all happen to live in close vicinity of servers (compared to majority of population) and it is the same region where people complain that there is a delay when they play them?
Also, why doesn't this occur in VS? I play VS which is peer to peer and there is lag occasionally, freeze or speed up, but not the same, not a delay. It is because of the dedicated servers, net code, choice of protocol and buffer size. It has been well documented.
Whole thing is a joke. Been going on for 3 years like this, horrible company makes crappy game, it is what happens when one company has monopoly of game type and since NHL so niche it is not going to change. Hell, FIFA is huge makes tons more money than NHL and they didn't change that lol
If I were EA I wouldn't improve anything either😄 as you write, they are the only ones who produce these games. They quit NBA Live because they don't stand a chance against 2K
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Solved20 days ago- 23 days ago