@BIGRlTCHY wrote:
Definitely agree! Heck every time I make a new post here explaining new broken gameplay issues it gets moved into this thread so it can get lost in the abyss until I post again, just to be ignored by the suits at EA... Published of 2 videos that were published in this thread, just for it to be taken down... Why? Because apparently I was making false claims of it happening! Yet checked Twitter and many other community members are dealing with it. This includes some EA's own Gamechangers! I'm pretty over this game already and these forums tbh! I give up on hope for EA NHL.
Them releasing a decent quality game is a pipedream now and I do feel ripped off $120 plus tax for this unaddressed broken product! It's like they want to lose their gamechangers/influencers and customers! Reality is that is exactly what is happening! Although they make every excuse in the book and try to make it seem to be the best release ever when clearly Timbits hockey looks better than this!
If they check Twitter they will know how upset we all are!
They are very aware nobody is happy but enjoy gaslighting us. I can go to ANY review or social media site RIGHT NOW and read 100 negative comments before I get to even one that's vaguely positive. EA claims they get all this positive feedback, but I just don't see it. Do they have the blinders on that bad? No way. They're very aware but just don't care. No I'm not talking about the guys over at EA Vancouver actually sitting in the studio writing code for this game. I am talking about their extremely out of touch bosses who would rather milk this series into the ground until nobody plays it anymore then offer up even 1% of their precious profit that goes directly into their pockets to give something back to the customers that have given them that money in the first place.
I honestly feel bad for the guys here that have to deal with us because they aren't allowed to do or say many things but they are the ones on the front lines dealing with the ticked off customers. I bet you any money aljo would love to give us certain information or help us in certain ways, but would most likely get fired for doing so. There is so much shadiness behind how these guys operate now and it's their own fault tbh. I'm sorry but if I worked for a company that knowingly ripped it's customers off, and had to sit there and play damage control, I guess morally I'm just not bankrupt like these guys cus I couldn't handle it, and I'd leave. People gotta eat though, so I do get that but as a person I don't know how anyone can sit here and treat human beings this way and go home and feel good about myself every day. That's just me though