@EA_Aljo I have some sense of how difficult it can be to be a community manager; so please take what I'm about to write in the spirit of feedback to the larger EA NHL team and not in any way, shape or form aimed at you personally.
@EA_Aljo wrote:
In most cases, when feedback is used, it doesn't happen until a future game.
This has become increasingly obvious to anyone paying attention, but to hear it stated so bluntly is... well.. a bit shocking, to put it mildly.
I have 27 years of experience in software development, 15 of which are in senior management and executive positions. This screams of an organization that doesn't understand what customer focus means. We may be gamers, but are first and foremost your customers. We pay for the product you ship - both in purchasing the core game, as well as the EA subscriptions required for online play; as as well as for the (hugely overpriced) micro transactions. Imagine if I was running a team, and I was shipping a product to customers at premium prices; and then charging them MULTIPLES of that premium price in sale addons. And let's further imagine that my customer base was upset with the quality of the product they were getting; and being quite vocal to my support team. And then imagine that I authorized my front-line support staff to say "feedback noted, why don't you buy our product again in a year, at the same price, and we will have incorporated some of your "feedback" into next years product'.
You know what would happen? I would get FIRED. And so would the entire management team. And we would deserve it.
Saying that it takes a year to fix bugs and broken gameplay is nonsense. It takes a year because the team simply doesn't care about the state of the product they're shipping. I've been in similar situations multiple times where customers expressed anger and frustration over a software product; and we had instilled a culture in the various companies where I had worked where this was not acceptable; and the entire team, from leadership to development to qa to support would do whatever it took to make sure these issues were addressed; dropping whatever we were working on; and doing whatever it took, no matter how long it took, to get it fixed. And that was on software systems and teams MUCH larger and complicated than what NHL is. So please - if the team really wanted to and the management team cared enough, it absolutely does not take a year to fix broken stick-lifts, AI that freezes, black out screens, dropped connections, consistent input lag and the myriad of problems people have been reporting for MONTHS. Yes, code isn't fixed in a few hours. But several months? Ab-so-lu-tely.
I understand the team is fronting a lot of anger from the community - about the countless bugs, about the (perceived or real) broken gameplay. I understand it's not fun to be in that situation. I also understand that the lowly developers and community managers are not the ones making decisions and are paid (poorly) to just be a shield for this anger. But, for the love of all that's holy, the current state of NHL 23 is NOT acceptable and telling your customers it will take a year to address is even less so.
Please convey to your management and leadership team that we're tired of getting treated like suckers and that we will no longer accept EA shipping a broken product while the company rakes in millions of dollars in pre- and post-sales. I can tell you that I will NOT be buying NHL24 until the culture at EA NHL changes. Because until that happens, were just going to get more of the same.