Forum Discussion
So let me get this right! We aren't getting a fix to the numerous issues that have been submitted with video to fix the state of this game? EA should give us half our money back then since this was charged at full price for a broken product that isn't going to be fixed! Even a statement from the company at this point would show at least some compassion towards us customers... In Canada many of us paid over $100 for this! How by any standard is this acceptable? Maybe the company needs to provide some focus on 23 instead of the current production which is NHL 24? Guess my time supporting EA NHL has come to an end until something changes! What happened to the time where previous games had the team working on the clock to fix these reported problems? They would take servers offline for maintenance! Now we hardly see it and it's showing! Not cool!
In-game issues that need adjusting aside, what about quality of life issue fixes? Especially issues that have been going on for years? Menu navigation continues to be a chore. The dressing room can easily glitch out. This year more than others. How about fixing the end of game replay glitch? How about fixing the end of game loss glitch? How about fixing the loadout menu glitch? Etc..
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Solved19 days ago- 22 days ago