@EA_Aljo You said that you watched that video right? Everything in there and forced cross creases that go right through my stick blade, feet, body etc....
Offense has always been favored in this game but this years edition is just beyond frustrating when trying to defend. I feel really bad for full time d men because you basically took away 2 of their most effective tools to defend.
I play a lot and I also play in competitive leagues (WOHL, LG for west coast players). Myself and everyone that I know who are good players say the EXACT same thing.
This game just isn't fun and frustrating to play. We only play it because we love hockey and don't have any other alternative.
EA is lucky that they're the only one's making hockey because if they had competition and a developer that listened, gave CONSTANT feedback/communication and made changes that we asked for, A LOT of us wouldn't hesitate to jump ship.
I'm sick and tired of saying the same thing year after year. Instead of focusing on core GAMEPLAY that functions PROPERLY, they keep adding in gimmicky things that no one is asking for. You wonder why the same things are broken year after year, it's because they're never fixed properly and more stuff is added into an already broken game. The code is so jumbled and massive that of course when you "fix" something, something else ends up being broken in the process.