@EA_Aljo ; Any update on if full in-game presentation (goalie comparison, replays, season stats, etc.) is going to be patched in for PS4 version in franchise mode? The condensed broadcast is the only option, unlike NHL 22. All games I play have zero presentation at all, which is what we were told would be the main changes for NHL 23? Probably just going to go back to NHL 22 if this isn't fixed. Seems odd to market the game based on presentation updates, when the only difference I can see in the game is that the presentation as a whole has been axed and the only change to the game is the roster and the color of the menu bar is now orange (whoop dee doo).
Would really like to see this added back into the game. I enjoy the experience of seeing the progression in a franchise season, including points leaders and in-game replays. The game just moves from play to play and does not have anything to it. Minus the graphics, this game feels like a huge regression from NHL 22, and I feel like I'm playing NHL 99 on my nintendo with the lack of substance to the actual hockey gameplay. Please patch this, or let me know if there are no plans to patch it or add any sort of presentation, so I can know if I should redownload NHL 22 and just put 23 in the trash.