2 years ago
Hello, Will be hybrid controls in nh 24??
@KlariskraysNHL thank you. I think everybody prays to get them on Friday.
But i dont understand why is problem to say cca date of relase. Because EA days - ASAP- but ASAP can be this friday and Also next month.
The reason we don't give an exact date is because something could come up at the last minute preventing the release. If we say it's coming Friday and then have an issue discovered shortly before, it really upsets the community to have to tell you all it's been delayed. So, we want to make sure there are no issues, or at least any that we could find, and then release it. Normally, we make an announcement the day before of an upcoming patch. That's why the best estimate is as soon as possible.
@EA_Aljo wrote:The reason we don't give an exact date is because something could come up at the last minute preventing the release. If we say it's coming Friday and then have an issue discovered shortly before, it really upsets the community to have to tell you all it's been delayed. So, we want to make sure there are no issues, or at least any that we could find, and then release it. Normally, we make an announcement the day before of an upcoming patch. That's why the best estimate is as soon as possible.
I found that to be a good trick with my daughters before telling them a surprise trip and whatnot… If you tell them too soon and something comes up, you are left with pain and disappointment and resentment by your loved ones, lol 😂
So yeah, that’s a great way of doing things 😀