Forum Discussion
@Jagavekov wrote:Why would they make the game not resemble hockey and then advertise it to people that watch hockey?
What game are you playing? NHL 24? And it doesn't resemble hockey? Have some of you forgotten that VIDEOGAMES are supposed to be FUN? This obsession with a 100% simulation of every single element of the sport is going to drive some of you insane. You're NEVER going to get it.
If you want 100% hockey - then go play hockey.
You would have more fun with this game if you didn't take it so darn seriously every time a move becomes OP, you end up on the bad end of a bug/animation glitch or god forbid EA take some chances to make changes to the gameplay to freshen things up. Why not take the time to master the maneuvers in this game that are getting the best of you while EA tries to address it in a future patch, rather than just constantly beating this drum of "tHey doN'T kNow HocKeY?"
I've currently lost 5-6 games in a row in OVP, I can't seem to find my groove in WoC yet and I've had a few successful endeavours into HUT, but ultimately getting whooped by much more skilled players.
Am I getting all salty about the hip check? Am I all upset that sometimes poke checks don't do what I want? When a dump-in gets snagged by a defender with a vertical comparable to an NBA stater, do I get all "o000o00 eA DoEsn'T KnOw hOckEy"? I've seen maybe 3 Lacrosse attempts in the abundance of games I've played.. is it rustling my jimmies to the point where I need to rage post on the forums? No. Because these are things that can be addressed by bringing up the topic without the rude comments about the knowledge of the sport held by the team who develops this product.
@KidShowtime1867but have you played competitive 6s for years? Because there's already an arcade mode (3s eliminator) for those who want to skate/pass through people and "have fun". The game is suddenly taking a turn towards arcade this year and that's why many of us are disappointed.