Forum Discussion
Puck dump!
All of this to make one mechanic work ,ridiculous
- KidShowtime18672 years agoHero
@Treatmentworke66 wrote:All of this to make one mechanic work ,ridiculous
It's almost as if the feedback on this mode is a spectrum, and they're trying to find a balance as best they can... how dare they.
- Treatmentworke662 years agoSeasoned Ace@KidShowtime1867 they nerf one mechanic to make one another work and standout how dare they
- KidShowtime18672 years agoHero
@Treatmentworke66 wrote:
@KidShowtime1867they nerf one mechanic to make one another work and standout how dare theyWell yea... that's how one finds a balance. The changes made to the pressure system in this update are fantastic. You need to take shots and force turnovers to get full pressure activated rather than depend on puck possession and playing keep-away with multiple passes.
The puck dump can still be used effectively, if you learn when to use a flip versus a shot or even a well placed sauce pass will clear the zone. Lots of options to get out from under pressure. Not to mention the previous change where the puck only needs to be out of the zone for 2-3 seconds and 'full pressure' is gone.... fantastic.
I'd do away with the whole system entirely, but the changes are making me feel more positive about the mechanic than I was before. But I'm still salty about goalies forgetting how to stand on their own 2 feet the instant full pressure is activated.
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