Sadly, this is always going to be a losing battle for the offline player base. It has been said in these forums a lot is to do with a lower player count but if you really think about it, the player count is lower cause of the lack of Innovation, removal of prior feature (trade phone as an example), lack of interest fixing bugs and glitches and removal of presentation in franchise mode (goalie intros, goalie changed in game, they used to have the 3 stars skate on the ice as a cut scenes, players would come out from the walkway and bench and through those props you can still add in create a team, replays showing more, showed the crowd more). Plus the complete lack of any interest or care to BAP for anything about it (Innovation or bug fixes), a mode that used to be good in the older gen games. What they don't realize is that it is all cause and affect (you don't try hard enough we are not going to play or buy it year after year) but I'd guess that is the reasoning they want so they can focus solely on the online experience, which is sad cause if you think about it EA on a whole was built by the offline player base going back to the Super Nintendo days. Now a days it's not good enough to just buy the game, you need to "rent" cards for the year (using real world money), buy the new season pass and buy celebrations (again real world money) to actually matter as a player in the game. This is an EA design everywhere and the removal of content and adding back in will always be a tactic they use in their attempt to show that they improve on the game each year. It is not all bad cause some of the new features in this game are good in principle but lack the polish for them to be good (op hip check, stamina works differently for AI and user for pressure system). Other features like players indicating line changes seemingly doesn't seem to exist from NHL 23 in NHL 24, unless they are very rare now as I have played multiple games and it does not have the indication anymore, plus the players calling for the puck like in NHL 23 is another feature that seemingly seems to be gone as well. Going back to the presentation, this is already lost seeing that a game like FC 24 which easily makes more money then NHL has removed some of it's presentation with the reasoning "people just skip it anyways". With that EA mindset and the mention of lower player counts, we can only ever expect to see minimum to no changes or fixes at all for presentation or any offline modes.