Forum Discussion
There have been some big changes to gameplay that you'll find out about in the playtest. I can't go in to those now, unfortunately.
Thanks! Sorry for overreacting. I just worry a lot and want the games to always improve! I will wait a bit more and see how the deep dive reveals go before passing judgment. It sounds like the developers are being more active with the community this year which is a very good sign.
- 2 years ago
There's aspects that seem cool but I watched and felt worried.
The Good:
They brought back bench hits.
full crossplay
Button passing could be huge. I stopped full team modes when they made changes to character selection many years ago. If you can change defensive characters with a button change as well that could entice me to trying out ovp or something.
They used game play footage. Actual game play footage not just an entire trailer of 'in engine footage'
The Bad:
The amount of times you see the CPU defender just skating backwards at loose pucks or just skating next to the puck carrier without doing anything was the first thing I noticed.
Defensive nerfs coupled with puck carrier ability gains is a major downer. Is defense so oppressive to the devs that it must always be taken down a peg while offense is given new ways to do everything and defense gets told your hits might actually lay people out for longer but they now have the innate ability to reverse that hit and it feels like the hit bubble is going to be a feature rather a bug.
X-Factors still exist.
The Undecided:
exhaust engine. I don't love the idea of offense getting a boost but I get defense getting a penalty. Can't speak positively or negatively towards it without playing with it first though.
Human goalie changes. Could be good and maybe make the role even slightly fun or interesting to play, probably doesn't but it would be very good if it does.
if we have physics based hits now what did we have before?