Forum Discussion
@Treatmentworke66 wrote:
,just once again showing the no nothing about hockey
Or, you know, they were trying to lower the amount of delay of game penalties by ensuring the puck doesn't clear the glass as often. There's a new META (pressure Meter) that encourages the clearing of the puck. If they hadn't adjusted the dump height, you'd see an endless stream of complaints that delay of game penalties are out of hand and eA kNoWs NoThiNG aBoUt HoCkeY lol
They overcorrected a bit and should probably adjust it so that you can clear the puck high enough at certain areas of the ice.
But this constant "ThEy DoN'T kNoW NuThIn' 'bOuT hOcKeY' is so dumb. They're trying to adjust things based on feedback. It's not always going to be perfect.
There are many improvements to NHL 24.
cpu dmen ai is better, they now shoot the puck.
In zone defense is also slightly better.
Two things need to be fixed outside of everyone's wishes of removing the visible pressure meter on ice:
1) dumping the puck is SEVERELY underpowered, which creates a double whammy.
cpu and human will have much harder tim clearing the puck, which will make pressure situations feel unearned and cheaper.
Also playing the dump and chase style is nearly impossible now, for both you and the cpu. Please bring the old dump mechanic back in a future patch.
2) add a way for us to tune
pressure situations: less often, less nerfed ratings during thise sutuations, etc.
- 2 years ago
So there’s a few glaring issues with gameplay both offline and online. Pressure system in concept is great, it builds a tad too quickly still in my opinion. Which moves to the larger issue, the debuff received is a bit too much especially since it doesn’t end of the defensive team carries the puck out of the zone.
You can manage to go from defensively hemmed in to trying to forecheck in the other zone with puck control, but STILL be experienced the nerf effect until the Pressure timer is done. That’s a bit backwards and just hurts the team finally fighting back. Shouldn’t be that hard to implement a code in the game to register the defensive team clears own blue line, debuff removed.The other huge issue, it’s far too easy to lose the puck, not pickup the puck, regardless of the stats related to those movements. Often you can be sneezed on and just give the puck to the other team. You could be battling for a rebound and just, not shoot/get the puck despite being on top of it and uninterrupted.
Those two things are super painful so far, another note, can the celebration cutscenes be turned off in offline PLEASE. They’re beyond immersion breaking, online, fine I get having them, offline they’re just bad and break game flow entirely.
Also small things, defensemen are too easily blown past/AI dmen are brainless and go for pokechecks at center ice too much leading to odd men rushes as they can’t adjust. Flip passing for zone clearing on the PK literally doesn’t work.
- 2 years ago
Hipchecks are still way too OP. Nobody should be stumbling or falling when grazed by a hipcheck. It reminds me of the cannonball era from NHL 13(?).
Either decrease the charge time of dumps or rework how dumps work. I understand not being able to flip it halfway down the ice without needing to charge it, but you need to hold R1 down for like 5 seconds until it's fully charged.
A rework that could work for the future is the longer you hold it affects the arc of the dump. If you barely press R1 you get a high dump, less accurate dump which increases delay of game probability. If you hold it it's more accurate, and the puck has no chance of going over the glass.
- gzell602 years agoNew Traveler
I really like a lot of the changes brought to NHL 24, but still there so many things wrong with it from a defending perspective in EASHL:
1) Poke checks aren't strong enough against players with high speed / agility. Any attempt knocks off the puck for a split second before the attacker picks up the puck again and flies by due to the defender speed penalty.
2) The stick lift is still completely useless, to a point where I don't even use it when there would be a 99% success chance in real life.
3) While two essential defensive mechanics are still broken, attackers can now execute all kinds of dekes successfully at the push of a single button. This is valid even after the latest changes and completely unbalanced.
- TheUnusedCrayon2 years agoSeasoned Ace@gzell60 I end up playing defense a lot and it is the least fun year to play defense in the history of eashl for me.
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