Forum Discussion
@Treatmentworke66 wrote:
,just once again showing the no nothing about hockey
Or, you know, they were trying to lower the amount of delay of game penalties by ensuring the puck doesn't clear the glass as often. There's a new META (pressure Meter) that encourages the clearing of the puck. If they hadn't adjusted the dump height, you'd see an endless stream of complaints that delay of game penalties are out of hand and eA kNoWs NoThiNG aBoUt HoCkeY lol
They overcorrected a bit and should probably adjust it so that you can clear the puck high enough at certain areas of the ice.
But this constant "ThEy DoN'T kNoW NuThIn' 'bOuT hOcKeY' is so dumb. They're trying to adjust things based on feedback. It's not always going to be perfect.
@KidShowtime1867Well maybe they should learn to adapt to being under pressure or maybe the devs just wanted to nerf defense to show how great a job they did with this new Meta
- 2 years ago
Me: I think we have a problem here.
Shills: You just need to adapt. Something Something defensive skill gap. - 2 years ago
The fact this patch was released without hybrid goalie controls is unfathomable. We're stuck with a goalie control system which has as its whole purpose to pull us out of position.
I cannot believe someone at EA actually tried tether mode and said "This is great, the players will love it. Go with that."
- TheUnusedCrayon2 years agoSeasoned Ace
Puck pickups are very unbalanced. A puck is easier to pick up through a player than when the puck is in between your skates and stick. There should be a delay there, but too often players are picking pucks off of good defensive plays but because the puck ends up in skates after a good hit or a good poke check, the offense is simply regaining possession back too easily.
- xsaw21212 years agoNew Adventurer
It's not only puck pickups that are on balance it's the ability to hang on to a puck and sometimes your guy just literally does some crazy animation where his arms just go all weird and doesn't help the fact that most of the time you just bump somebody slightly and you both go flying so there is no puck control in this game I don't know how this game made it out the door any type of quality you control what it said wait a minute what are you doing letting this out Oh wait it's EA we're talking about my bad 😂
- KidShowtime18672 years agoHero
@xsaw2121 wrote:It's not only puck pickups that are on balance it's the ability to hang on to a puck and sometimes your guy just literally does some crazy animation where his arms just go all weird and doesn't help the fact that most of the time you just bump somebody slightly and you both go flying so there is no puck control in this game I don't know how this game made it out the door any type of quality you control what it said wait a minute what are you doing letting this out Oh wait it's EA we're talking about my bad 😂
Stop skating so fast. 90% of the issues people have with the skating and controlling of the puck can be directly attributed to the fact they're constantly trying to skate full speed at all times.
Slow. Down.
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