Forum Discussion
Feedback of the recent patch that's if the people here can actually handle my feedback I won't mention who they are
Anywho the game is better just and that's not saying a lot considering where we started adjusting the pressure system is good however I don't know how you simulate something that's not even necessarily real but okay whatever the goalies are still as dumb as bricks and have been for years now so be nice if we could get something done about that The computer defenders are dumb as bricks be nice if that could be fixed like make them slightly more aggressive so they actually pressure the puck and not just skate.
backwards into the goalie that would be amazing. Also as one person has already stated the hitting needs to be fixed on the new controls because now you can't do one timers because their mapped to the same button is to hit and if you press to do a one timer you just end up hitting someone and taking a penalty. Now let me get started on the penalties The penalties in this game they're what the I'll leave the next part blank and you know what I'm going to say some of the penalties in this game are ridiculous they're not even penalties I've seen penalties where people are hitting in the opposite direction and don't even touch the person they're aimed at and they're getting penalties The penalties need to be adjusted for sure and that's just a little bit of my feedback I won't go any further cuz this is starting to ramble a lot now so thank you
Ps how does a billion dollar company continue to pump out these games a year after year and somehow never make any progress but yet continuously add more and more microtransactions am I the only one who feels like this is literally just EA being lazy and not wanting to do anything and just kind of putting the money in their pocket somehow I have a feeling I'm not the only one who feels this way and now that we have microtransactions in the world of chel It kind of suggests to me that's exactly what's going on here nobody there really cares they just want the money
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