Forum Discussion
162 Replies
@TTZ_Dipsyi guess the reason it bothers me and others to that threads are locked about this topic is it doesnt allow us to show you all the support for it. first we have to create a ea account on the forums which is kinda annoying set up in the first place. to add to that frustration I have an account from decades ago that has thousands of posts and it is lost for ever for some reason.
so long story short why dont you see if there is something that would have to be done to make this happen, or how we can encourage you all to make a pc game
start up a kickstarter if it is a monetary thing if the goal is reached lets do it. if it is a market i mean there isnt one on the pc atm so you cant compare it directly to anything. there are however over 130m active steam accounts this month. there is a indie hockey game that sold over 30k copies in the first week this year. thats kinda the closest you can come to gauging the nhl market for pc. as for making inferior console game being the reasoning for why not to do it that arguement saddens me. my view how can they be any worse, especially since they will be porting what they currently have to pc. my solutition if it is man power, maybe go to usc and see if you can get some interns from their game development program that would be eager to help for cheap or free.
for every problem there is a solution, the problem the nhl community has it how to make the ea development team consider our problems needing a solution.also the part in your sig that says dont be sad this is how it works out sometimes seems like you are trying to ea sport all of us. remember we are paying customers its kinda disrespectful to troll us. i own every game from 93-2022 some more multiple consoles. the first year hut was released i owned every single card and still had several million pucks left afterwards. i am not buying any more consoles just to play hockey. consoles are inferior products to pc. lets get this pc release figured out.
- TTZ_Dipsy2 years agoHero+
The vast majority of the time its double posts or ones ranting/bad language that get locked. If you have created a new post and it seems like it just vanished, more often than not it has just been merged into a larger thread so all the info is still there (sometimes a mod might forget to tag you saying it was moved).
30k copies is fantastic for an indie title (Tape to Tape is super entertaining and I can't recommend it enough), but you're probably going to need to double, possibly triple (or more) that number to get EA remotely interested, unfortunately.
The way I see it, why on earth would a PCer want an inferior console port of NHL? I find way more negatives than positives and don't think you'd be happy. We need to ditch old gen, and start fresh with a brand new game built from the ground up.
The line in my sig is from Battlefield 2042 which was turned into a meme by the community; it isn't intended to mock anyone in the community.
@TTZ_Dipsy "We need to ditch old gen, and start fresh with a brand new game built from the ground up." People have been saying this since the PS3 and EA just keeps on recycling game after game. Their PR people can come in here and say I am way off the mark with regards to them not taking the step because they know they can't make something up to the standard that PC players would expect but we all know that is the truth.
I mean that is why I stopped giving them my money, $70/year for a half baked patch is truly not worth it imo.
They also know that people on PC will pirate the game, some of whom will pirate it as a form of demo since game devs don't put out demos anymore, but many others will just pirate to have it and play it, especially if they can figure out how to make the MP work, which generally does happen with most PC games. I have even seen games with matchmaking servers cracked. Granted you're playing only with other users on the cracked server and not the general player base but still many games are playable in that state.It is sad that no indie devs have tried because all they'd need is a multi player with 3v3-6v6, they could even skip fully on any AI, except for a goalie and just work on a true multie player experience, no licensing needed. I truly don't know why no one seems to touch any of the sportsball games in any kind of sim style except for the major devs with the licenses. PC has every other kind of hyper realistic sim you could want but not sportsball, just seems odd to me.
Is ea sports PGA tour more popular than hockey?
- Symtexbc2 years agoNew Scout
Build it and they will come......
Seriously, I understand the cost associated with a new port but there is no hockey on PC. The whole market will be yours. Just like was. I remember buying a Voodoo GPU so I can play NHL on PC using 3D accelerated hardware. Those were the days.
What is the issue with getting an NHL game put on the PC platform? Seems incredibly silly to lose out on that market when I know other people who are more than willing to buy it if they just put it out. Just do it please.
Edit: Merged post with the already existing thread on this issue. -CM
Hi. My first time posting here.
Why isn't there a chance to get NHL for PC (except the older NHL games)? I dont want to buy new console just for the sake of NHL. NHL 23 is quite good for PS4 but there is no reason I should buy PS5 or new XBOX because I have PC that's well over the general standard nowadays. I have FIFA for pc and other EA games - why isn't NHL for PC coming any time soon?
People really need that PC version. Would be so much fun.
Is there any official answers to this?
- @EA_Aljo Where do you get these statistics from, that there "isn't enough players interested in sim-style hockey game"? I think that there is many users here whom would like to know that. I know you can not share private information but some statistics / numbers would be fantastic to know.
Football Manager for football, a sim-style football game came out of nowhere, from few thousands of active users to couple of ten thousands in just matter of years. Spreadsheet type of football manager-ing was a strange game for me to play when I was way younger, but now as an grown adult it fascinates me. Sim-style games have grown so much in past few years and just looking at the reddit posts about asking NHL for PC is enormous.
Tape-to-tape just came this year, on may. Not NHL licensed.
What about a hockey game made by EA that isn't NHL licensed? I think that area of interested players would be way lower than licensed.
EA, the biggest game company known to man thinks that NHL isn't profitable for PC - well why then there is PGA Tour purchaseable for PC? They have around 150-300 active users per day - bet that number would be way higher for NHL.
I live in Finland where that demand is pretty big for NHL port to PC. I get that hockey isn't that popular sport like football (which is my main sport) but still. Most of my friends plays or have played NHL in their younger era and most of them still wonder why there
We need one. Make one. Community is asking for it. Make the good deed that EA fans want. Okay, the game is not profitable by your stats? Maybe port the game to PC just for the good old reputation +. - @Symtexbc This.. Build the game and okay if the game isn't profitable for few years so be it. Just make the game for PC and that's it.
- MlecznyDuet2 years agoSeasoned Veteran
@EA_Aljo wrote:We hadn't released a PGA version in a few years so they could build the game to support PC from the beginning. We really can't sacrifice the console version of NHL to port it to PC. Putting the console game on hold while a less popular PC version is built would not be a wise decision.
That's curious. There hasn't been a UFC release in years either but it seems past-gen consoles were dropped while PC is still not going to be supported.
At least judging by the beta registration page: UFC 5 - EA SPORTS - Closed Beta Registration
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