2 years ago
Input Delay v.24
https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Input-Lag-Unresponsiveness/td-p/11949320 In what is becoming an annual tradition since January '22, NHL24 plays with the same exact input delay, player fre...
Dont think a video will do much…
i have have a log for you to examine…
i just played two games in hut champs on ps5. My gamer tag is same as my forum name.
between 19:30 and 20:00 CET on 14/02/2024.
max ping was set to <20ms for match making…
- first game i won 5-0 and the opponent quit. According to profile he was from Finland
- this game felt really smooth… no complaints
- the network graph showed 20ms, flat line
- next game i won 8-3. Accordin to the profile the opponen was from Germany.
- this game was one of the laggiest games i ever played.
I got the feeling that my opponent was warping due to lag.
very unsynch. Players were not responsive. Accelerating and turning felt like stuck in mud.
- the network graph showed 19ms, flat line
you should keep network logs pf all games played, please fetch the data, and come back to me with an explanation?
If you cannot check logs for these kind of problems, plan this in your next sprint.
you have two clear samples from me to study… should be enough.
There was nothing indicating that i had a worse connection in game #2
if this lroblem is due to matchmaking, you should give me the options to customize who I face.
So i can avoid these ”slow performance games” , right?
How often is this happening?
Same thing is happening to me constantly. I'll get 15-20 matches where I'm hitting buttons multiple times or passes are registering a direction from the previous click. It's a mess. This is the 2nd time it's been this bad, the last time was after a patch as well.
I've reset router, reinstalled game, reset after each game, changed my online settings and it's just input delay. I run on 800mbps and usually between 12-18 ping so it's not my connection.
Thanks for all the details. I'll relay any updates we have on the servers.
Its random, one day i can play 10 games in a row which all have the ”slow performance” feeling.
On a day like that, i can lose 7-8 games vs opponents with less real-skill and low average team rating, this is how big the impact is.
another day, i get smooth games in a row and i usually win 6-7 out of 10 games vs more skilled players and higher team average.
Its not that often that i get an occasional good or bad game, like the sample i sent you, but it happens.
if i would estimate how many slow performance games i get, i would say between 40-50%
i can grind such games and adapt a bit, but its no fun when you know how smooth the game play can be,
to narrow down this issue, i really think you should look at specific games, like the two i game you as an example. Do a deep-analysis